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Updated Ron Dart's 1998 message 9843 Prophecy - The Basics. The future does not yet exist -- it grows out of the decisions and we and God make day to day. However, these decisions have to fit the framework outlined in the Bible. Today, Daniel 2, which outlines all of history from the time of Nebuchadnezzar to the return of Christ. Why would God give visions to a king? Then later to Daniel? There was (and is) a dominant spirit in all of the succeeding kingdoms from Neb to the return of Christ. "This is the pattern I am going to work out from now until the return of Christ." These 4 successive kingdoms clearly proceed from Babylon to Rome right up into the heart of Europe -- not elsewhere. People need to know the history so far. If you don't understand history, you won't understand prophecy -- understand the latter-end thereof. Dart also examines specifics, like the numbers 7 and 10, and animal imagery. How does Revelation 13 fit with Daniel? Where do these prophecies stand today? Dart ends with a couple admonitions: 1) keep track of world affairs, and 2) be careful to not be too specific in your prognostications.
Updated Ron Dart's 2007 message 0734 The Fallacy of Christian Judaism. There is sometimes a sharp difference between the traditions of the Jews and the law of God. Jesus was not bringing a better vintage of the old traditions, no, He was bringing new wine. You cannot place the gospels into Judaism, which the Acts 15 conference confirms. Thus, Christian Judaism is an oxymoron. Paul objected to many of the laws of Judaism, not the laws of the Bible. What is the purpose of the law, if not a way to earn salvation?
Added Ron Dart's 1997 message 97APM A Pentecost Marriage. This outstanding sermon showcases Dart's excellent story-telling skill as he relates the saga of Ruth. Without adding to the story, Dart explores conditions and events that are often overlooked and adds insightful commentary. It is all framed in the context of the "harvest". Also included is a calendar discussion for Pentecost.
Added Ron Dart's 1990 message 90RFR Reflections on Friendship. Dart gives many excellent insights on friendship. What they are; how they evolve. Friendship is built on trust. Trust is built by performance over time. Disclosure is part of building trust. Some relationships end when the usefulness of it has ended – these are not really friendships. Dart discusses many relevant proverbs. Our responsibilities as friends. Actually caring for one another expands an acquaintance to friendship. If we are friends with Christ, we will give up our lives for Him. After all, He gave up His life for us.
Added Ron Dart's 2003 Feast of Tabernacles sermon 03F2 Zechariah Visions and Prophecies. Dart unravels who the multiple messengers are that speak to Zechariah and how the “angel of the Lord” is the pre-incarnate Christ. Many parts of this book are shrouded in imagery and visions including the two witnesses. How Zechariah 6:9-13 is a prophecy of Christ. Zech 8:20-23 is also a prophecy of Christ. There are multiple prophecies about the birth of Christ, the return of Christ, and the Millennium throughout the book of Zechariah. Zech 11:4-17 is about the scribes, the Pharisees, and the Sadducees of Jesus’ time. Included is a good look at the end-time prophecies of chapter 14 of Zechariah, which means “Yah will remember”.
Added Ron Dart's 2003 Feast of Tabernacles sermon 03F1 A Great King to Come.Given on the opening night of the Feast of Tabernacles, this message centers on the birth of Christ. Zechariah and Isaiah have prophecies of this and both note the humility of the event. Why did God do it that way? There was a purpose. He came like one of us – not only in the flesh, but lowly.
Updated Ron Dart's 1993 Atonement message 9353 An End to Sin.
Dart explores sin. The first time you sin. Original sin. Sin is right there, but you can conquer it. Sin is not just arbitrary, no, it has consequences. So, the other goat has been killed, the blood has been shed, the sins have been forgiven, there is still sin that has not yet been made an end. The final atonement cannot be made with Satan unbound. God forgives the sin, but what about the debt? In the context of the Atonement ceremony, the live goat is sent to a place of separation, as are the devil and his demons at the return of Christ.
Corrected the download link for Ron Dart's 1980 sermons zipped file.
Added Ron Dart's 1997 Passover Service1997 Passover Service.
Note** All sermons added also update the zipped file for that year.
Added Ron Dart's 2008 Passover Service 2008 Passover Service.
Added Ron Dart's 2000 Feast of Tabernacles Sermon For My Eyes Have Seen Your Salvation.
Added Ron Dart's 1997 Sermon Beginning of the Gospel.
Added Ron Dart's 1997 Feast of Tabernacles Sermon How Many Sons?
Added Ron Dart's 2007 Feast of Tabernacles Sermon Under This Moon.
Added Ron Dart's 2005 Feast of Tabernacles Sermon We Didn't Know.
Added Ron Dart's 1979 Sermon Are You Deception-Proof?
Added Ron Dart's 2004 Feast of Tabernacles Sermon 04F1 Born Under This Moon.
Added Ron Dart's Romans Bible Study Romans Bible Study.
Added Ron Dart's 1998 sermon 98ULB Feed My Lambs.
Added Ron Dart's 2009 Feast of Tabernacles sermon 09F2 What Are You Afraid Of?
Added Ron Dart's 1996 sermon 1996 The Power to Serve.
Added Ron Dart's 2006 sermon 2006 Islamism. Given in late 2005, Dart offers a grim view of the advance of Islam in Europe. Will this happen in the United States, too? Will European governments respond by creating a Beast power? How does this apply to the prophecy that the foreigner shall rise up? Also, the secularization of America.
Added Ron Dart's 1998 Feast of Tabernacles sermon 98FO Peace, Goodwill Toward Men.
Added Ron Dart's 1983 sermon 8327 Talk to God.
Added Ron Dart's 2005 Feast of Tabernacles sermon 05F2 Not Home Yet.
Added Ron Dart's 2002 Feast of Tabernacles sermon 02F2 A Personal Journey.
Added Ron Dart's 1996 sermon 96-10-19 Halloween, Ghosts, and Spirits.
Added Ron Dart's 1995 sermon 9501 The Adoration of God.
Added Ron Dart's 2000 sermon 00F9 Reunion.
Updated Ron Dart's 2004 sermon 0425 The Greatest Nation. In the context of the Ronald Reagan memorial service, Dart looks at the "greatest, wealthiest and most powerful nation that has ever existed on this planet". To what do we owe that greatness, and do we have any obligation? The term "British Israelism" has been used by racist organizations and as such, Dart disavows usage of the term. "There is no way to trace the history of Israel through genetics or history with any certainty." One reason is that the blessings of God do not follow genetic lines (Rom 9:6). However . . .
Added Ron Dart's 2005 Feast of Tabernacles sermon A Man Alone. A look at individualism and assembling together. Philosopher Jean-Jacque Rousseau teaches radical individualism, which conflicts with the Bible command to assemble together. Dart explains how radical individualism makes one more susceptible to the state and that assembling in private groups is a way to thwart that governmental control. God created us to be united in marriage, assemble in the church, and to have relationships with the brethren. Dart even goes so far as to suggest that it is better to attend with a less-than-ideal church than to be alone.
Added Ron Dart's 2009 sermon The Value of a Child. Jesus had identity from the moment of conception. So it was with all of us, too. He was humble, precious, as is every child. Don’t miss the chance to recognize them for what they are – made in the image of God. “As you have done it to the least of these . . .”
Added Ron Dart's 2006 sermon War in the Middle East. How do current events in the Middle east relate to the 5th end-time trumpet? Dart looks at the prophecy of the Arab people and their role in Iraq. How are the little people affected? “What we’re in the Middle East, right now, is the playing out of the reasons why God told the Israelites to drive the Canaanites out before them and to make no deals with them when they came into the land.
Added Ron Dart's 2002 sermon One Person at at Time. When the U.S falls, it will not be due to a banking failure, or a computer failure, or a terrorist attack, or wars. It will be moral. One of the purposes of prophecy is to change the outcome. Old Testament prophecies were written for those in the end times. Examples? Isaiah 59. This nation will turn around when the hearts of the people are turned back to God. A sobering message reflecting on our society today, yet there is still hope and something each of us can do.
Added Ron Dart's 2001 sermon Unto Us A Son Is Born. Given on the opening night of the Feast of Tabernacles. Dart looks at the context of some Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah and compares them to times today. Also, how the birth of Jesus quite possibly occurred on the first day of the Feast.
Updated Ron Dart's 2003 sermon Independence Day. One of Dart’s best messages on liberty and the law and church government. There has been a constant struggle between the desire of men to be free, and the desire of men to control other men. What did God originally want? What does he want today? The law is not administrative or controlling, no, the law of liberty is a light, a mirror, to enable man to see himself clearly. Dart shows how the law could unfortunately become a “yoke of bondage”.
If anyone was looking for Ron Dart's 2005 sermons zip file, the link has been fixed.
Added Ron Dart's 2000 sermon The Investment. People who are closer to death may pray “thy kingdom come” more fervently than the rest of us. Having lost nearly everything of this world, they are fully invested in the coming kingdom. Even Abraham, who was given tremendous physical promises, never received them, but invested himself in the kingdom of God. Are we too invested in this world? The rich young man kept all the commandments and Jesus loved him, yet he didn’t follow Jesus because he was too entwined with this world. Those who give up things to follow Jesus will be rewarded many times over. Where is your treasure? Also updated the 2000 zip file.
Ron Dart's 1988 Trumpets sermon Trumpets and the Return of Christ. Over 30 years ago, Ron Dart talked about driverless cars. Did he foresee the future? No, he was referring to the idea that those raptured would leave their cars driverless. Leaving that idea aside, Dart speaks about the time to get ready. To watch, to be vigilant. What if I try to live a good Christian life and don't watch? Jesus wants people to have a sense of the time of the end. We are told to be awake and alert, so there must be some sort of activity that we are to be engaged in. But it needs to be sustainable. Jesus talks about what it means to be ready, why it is that He wants us to be alert, what it is He wants us to watch for, and what we ought to be doing. Matthew 25 is a critical part of the end-time Olivet Prophecy. "They that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut."
Added 7 English language messages to the Mario Hernandez page. Added 28 French language messages to the same page.
Ron Dart's 1992 sermon I Was at Ease. When you are in your comfort zone, you do not grow. How does a "perfect and upright" man, like Job, grow? Dart discusses his own history, how he was comfortable in the Worldwide Church of God in 1978, and not growing. Paul gloried in his infirmities and listed the many perils he had been in. What did it do for him? God did some of this to Paul, some he did to himself. David put himself in harm's way. Fasting is one way to voluntarily move out of your comfort zone with the object to grow. Challenge yourself. It's not that God doesn't want us to be comfortable, but He won't leave us there because He wants us to grow. What Job learned in the end: It is not enough to know the truth and obey the law. We need to grow much more than that. Side topics of interest: the practice of not allowing people to come to church until they were "ready"; Joseph Tkach's early changes.
Added Ron Dart's 2002 sermon Apocalypse Now. Given in 2002, Dart discusses the idea that we have entered into the end times. What are some of the events ahead of us? Dart goes through several prophecies of the end times. Zechariah 14’s millennial imagery. Malachi 4. Revelation 13. Dart asks -- What about “no more a Canaanite in the temple”? Is a temple required before the return of Christ? Who is the end-time Elijah? The end-time man of sin? Catholic? Muslim? Are the 4 kingdoms simultaneous in the end-time? “There is an evil power coming down the road at us that we cannot even imagine.”
Updated Ron Dart's 1998 sermon To Hold Fast Deceit. Dart looks at the historical and current use of political propaganda and mass lies and how they have been used in ancient Israel and the United States today. We have met the enemy and he is us. Dart talks how a Christian should behave in such an atmosphere. He says we ought to judge the sinners and the non-repentant. Dart laments the state of our society in 1998, especially with regard to truth-telling, and it would be hard to argue things are better today (2020).
Added Ron Dart's 2004 sermon The Passing. With a somewhat sorrowful tone, Dart reflects about how we long to have a permanent home, but are destined to be pilgrims. Abraham and others left their home for the promise of another, but didn't receive it. We are here today and gone tomorrow. We are not home, and have a place better than this. Hope in this world is vain -- a theme for a lot of old gospel music. We are all faced with the reality that our time here will end. Dart ponders the death of his "sometime friend" Ted a year earlier and thinks about his own time to come.
Added Ron Dart's 1989 sermon Feast of Huts. Dart looks at the words for “tabernacles”, “huts”, or “tents”, and where they are used. Is keeping this “Feast of Huts” only for Israel? No. There are NOT two ways of worshipping God, one way for the Jews and one way for the Gentiles. Dart chronicles, dramatically, the tabernacle in ancient Israel, where God “camped” with His people, and the story where the Israelites feared to enter into the promised land. After all that had happened in the year since their departure from Egypt, and they feared. What more would it have taken for them to believe? For them to have faith? They were right on the edge – and failed. . . . an example for all of us. You are going to have to believe, trust, obey. You need faith when you have every reason in the world to be afraid, to believe it’s not going to happen. Faith is not so much a feeling as it is a decision.
Added Ron Dart's 1990 sermon Day of Atonement. Dart begins by discussing what happened with Aaron’s sons, and a discussion of the general priesthood duties. He then goes through the Leviticus 16 ceremony in detail, explaining each step and how it relates to Jesus Christ. Uncleanliness is not necessarily sin. While Dart does not ascribe to the theory that the Azazel goat also represents Christ, he does offer an explanation as to why, after the sins have been washed, they are still present to be laid on the head of the second goat. Fasting is discussed. Atonement is addressed in the book of Hebrews. Forgiveness, conscience, and consequences. Dart wonders: Were some of the Old Testament practices God’s intent from the beginning? Or regulations of man’s traditions? For example, were animal sacrifices really God’s idea? Or were they God’s regulation of, and use, of human customs to accomplish His own ends? It seems men started sacrificing before God instructed them on it. God had no intention to have a king, yet there are laws about kings. God had no intention of having a temple, yet there are laws about the temple. Slavery may be similar.
Added Ron Dart's 1980 Feast of Tabernacles sermon The Feast in Prophecy. Dart discusses the festivals as harvests. What does that tell us? The connection between Pentecost and Tabernacles. Was Joel’s prophecy fulfilled on the first Pentecost? There is a great harvest at the end time, but the work of the church today is not merely to witness or plant the seed, it is to harvest – today. Trumpets is tied to the return of Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God. Dart then describes the re-establishment of the worship of God, and obedience to the law of God. Dart: “I would never trust any human being that I know to enforce even God’s law upon another human being because much harm, much death, and much suffering has been inflicted upon mankind in the name of God and of the law of God.” What are some of the first steps that will occur upon this establishment? What will our role be? Conversion is a process, and we are spread all along that process. The Feast of Tabernacles is a critical component of that lifelong process.
Added Ron Dart's 1988 sermon Trumpets and the Return of Christ. Almost 30 years ago, Ron Dart talked about driverless cars. Did he foresee the future? No, he was referring to the idea that those raptured would leave their cars driverless. Leaving that idea aside, Dart speaks about the time to get ready. To watch, to be vigilant. What if I try to live a good Christian life and don't watch? Jesus wants people to have a sense of the time of the end. We are told to be awake and alert, so there must be some sort of activity that we are to be engaged in. But it needs to be sustainable. Jesus talks about what it means to be ready, why it is that He wants us to be alert, what it is He wants us to watch for, and what we ought to be doing. Matthew 25 is a critical part of the end-time Olivet Prophecy. "They that were ready went in with him to the marriage and the door was shut."
Ron Dart's 1991 sermon Clan Paradox. A Biblical view on race. Dart debunks many verses that are used to justify racism. What race was Adam? What was the mark of Cain? Did Eve mate with Satan? Did demons mate with women? Who were the nephilim? Was Noah genetically perfect? Is the curse on Canaan still in force today? The second half of the message talks not about race, but about clans. Man tends toward clans, and God allows them in order to prevent a concentration of power. They often clash, yet sometimes unite. In the church, we are technically one, yet there are still clans within the Church of God, sometimes leading to the evil of exclusivism and its attendant lies about others and judgments of others.
Added Ron Dart's 1986 sermon Why We Observe Tabernacles. Why did God want Abraham to be a wanderer? Does my life say "I am seeking a country?" Dart shows how and why Israel observed the Biblical feasts, and how and why Christians are to. Tabernacles points to the temporariness of the human condition. Israel's entry into the Promised Land is a beautiful model of the Christian hope. An interesting discussion on the idea of "is it required for salvation?" and the role of the law. The unifying effect of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Added Ron Dart's 1997 sermon Where is Home? Solomon said, and correctly so, that the universe cannot contain God. Why, then, would the temple, or even the New Jerusalem? Humans have a need for home. Abraham lived in tents; we are pilgrims. God has no such need. Is it possible that, to God, home is where He is? Might home for us be where He is? What does this mean for us now? Our bodies, our nation, our planet, the sun, even the whole universe are aging and are temporary. Eternity in our hearts is a yearning for home and that is a yearning for God. A Feast of Tabernacles message.
Added Ron Dart's 1985 sermon Was the Law Abolished? Dart answers this with great clarity. Jesus was aware that the Jews would accuse Him of doing away the law, when in fact He was only doing away with their interpretations of it, and in the process established the permanence of God's law. Dart gives repeated New Testament examples of the law of God still being in effect, especially in regards to the Sabbath. He also allots a whole section of the message to clean/unclean meats, giving a very detailed explanation thereof, including the difference between common and unclean. Jesus did not come to destroy the law, rather Jesus came to correct misinterpretations about the law, to teach a higher concept of the law, and to introduce His own administration of the law, including binding and loosing.
Added Ron Dart's 1980 sermon Beyond Disillusionment. At the Feast couple of years after CGI started, Dart gives a harsh message that addresses a lot of the emotions that remain from that split. He relates iniquity in the world with iniquity in the church and how it may lead to the love of many growing cold. It is up to each individual to serve God, regardless of what any other person does, even if that person purports to have been sent by God. Dart gives examples of how the messenger is of little import. Thy Word is truth. How does the 2nd commandment play into this?
Added Ron Dart's 1997 sermon Does Crime Pay? A 1997 interactive session repackaged as a weekend Bible study. Dart asks, in this world, does crime pay? Lying? Stealing? Even more interesting than the question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" is the question "why do good things happen to bad people?". Are we actually envious of the evil sometimes? What about the teen who observes the world and concludes, "God doesn't see; God doesn't care." Will risk/reward work? Can we teach that it all evens out in the end? No, this world is not just, but God is. Dart cites appropriate scriptures and reasoning from the Bible.
Ron Dart's 1991 sermon An End to War. In the light of the end of the 1991 Iraq war, Dart ponders the real cause of wars and the ultimate end of all wars. He contrasts the spirit of war and the forces of this world with a world with no Satan and the Kingdom of God, described by Dart with exciting imagery.
Ron Dart's 1991 sermon Born To Win. What does it mean to overcome? Is it necessary? Why; isn't grace enough? Is it ok to be competitive? Contentious? Do we have to struggle and persist? Just because God might not grant our prayer, do we just give up? He wants us to push Him, to try another way. The ultimate overcomer, the ultimate winner is, of course, Jesus Christ. There is something in each of us that resists being pushed around. Satan wants us to surrender our will to him. Biblical examples of winners and losers. God has invested in us; He expects us to be profitable, to be winners. David was not lazy, not fearful, would not be defeated; a man of action, probably a bigger sinner than most of us, yet a man after God's own heart; a winner.
It turns out that the "new" Ron Dart sermon I posted on 4/7 was not actually new. I am grateful to a reader of this site for pointing out that it is actually 1984's Yoke of Liberty. The new verion, however, is noticeably better quality, so I have updated the file.
Ron Dart's 1992 sermon The Clock is Ticking. Given on the first Sabbath in the count to Pentecost, Dart gives a narrative of a Hebrew traditional wave-sheaf collection and offering scenario, then moves on to events following the crucifixion, the ascension, and the connection between Christ and the wave-sheaf, as the first of the first-fruits. He shows how we are a type of first fruits. When Jesus started His ministry, he was urgent. He only had a very limited time to do everything He had to do. Have we lost urgency because of bad date-setting in our past? Dart predicts that we will all be stunned at the rapid onset of Revelation events. Paul realized that the work he did made a difference. There will be people in the first resurrection because of the work of Paul that would not have been there without it. Can just one person make a difference? What about Ora Runcorn?
Ron Dart's 2006 sermon Shared Suffering. Dart reflects on recent deaths in his congregation, and Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning" and concludes that shared suffering increases love. Same with shared pain, shared projects, shared time, shared work, shared play, shared food. In times of need, we lean on family and church. Judging others harms this reservoir of love, unless discussed with the judged. Dart wants to share all things, good and bad, share his life with people who are down-to-earth, don't exalt themselves, are well-behaved, and more. Dart finishes with an excellent look at loving others, even when it is hard.
Ron Dart's 1989 sermon Small Things. "Men fail to do a great work for God because they set out to do a great work for God." They despise the day of small things, tasks they feel are not important enough for them to do. Every great work is made up of small things. God repeatedly works outside of the "organization". The big-thing syndrome can discourage people from trying. But there is no reason why you can't go read the Bible to a blind person. Your kindness, your patience, your letter, your little work will be added to others' as God sees fit. Your best opportunities to do good are often random in your life. You can make a difference in the life of another, and do so in the name of Jesus Christ, if you are aware, thoughtful, and willing to do the small things. Dart gives some steps you can take. Small things lead to other small things that taken all together make a big difference in people's lives.
Ron Dart's 1989 sermon Why Marriages Fail.
1) People won't listen to each other or a preacher or a counselor or even to God
2) People react too easily to provocation
3) People get even, rather than turn the other cheek
4) People won't forgive each other
5) People don't keep their word. God will hold you to your promises.
Marriages need a good dose of basic Christianity – sermon on the mount – 1 Corinthians 13 – fruits of the spirit – etc. Do this first. Never allow profanity to enter your marriage. No name calling. Address actions. Don't lie to each other. What your marriage needs is Christian love.
Ron Dart's 1989 sermon Strength in Weakness. Dart contrasts David and Gideon. With Israel, David's mighty men were great warriors. But, with Gideon, not so mighty. God was showing that the success of Gideon's army was absolutely a miracle from God. Israel's full army would not have demonstrated that. The strength, the faith, the power, the courage of the people God chose are not a factor in the victory. Most of us are like Gideon, not David. We don't have the power, the courage, the faith as did David. We need God to intervene in our weakness. For Paul to be of value to God, he had to be weakened, as was Gideon's army. God's strength works in weakness. In Romans, Paul explains how Israel failed because they tried to accomplish salvation through their own work and power, but what saves one is Jesus Christ. He is our Savior. God does not directly work through human strength, but through human weakness.
Ron Dart's 1989 sermon The Devil's Tracks. Dart looks at encounters with the spirit world, including the "Prince of Persia", the "King of Tyre", angels, adversaries, and Satan himself. When we "go with the flow", things are easy because "the flow" is the way of this world, the way of Satan. It is when you start resisting that flow as you start to try and obey God, that you have resistance from the enemies of God. Dart talks about looking for signs of the devil. God-hating in Hollywood; the gender abolishment movement; the hidden agenda in the abortion industry, the gay rights movement, radical feminism, and ultimately the movement to abolish the Father. The devil's tracks are all over; we can see them if we look. It is very important that Satan will one day be bound, yes, he is all around us now. Thus, it is critical to maintain a close relationship to God. Submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee. Speak no evil of one another. Also, stay attached to a church.
Ron Dart's 1990 sermon Service. The church is a service organization. Just keeping busy is not enough if not in service. Church government is a matter of service rather than of rulership or control. There is no gain from providing a service that nobody needs. Dart looks at the church from the point of being a service business. What would "customers" need from us? What the "customer" wants and needs that we offer is a relationship. If they get that, they become a member, if not, it may be our fault. We're all part of the "store" in providing customer service. Jesus established this service mentality right off the bat by saying that you should not lord it over as the gentiles do, but should be a servant. Humble yourself, take on the form of a servant, as Jesus did, washing one another's feet. Service is not just about "religious" needs.
Ron Dart's 1990 sermon The Power of Hope. Dart discusses his experience in the CGI ministry prayer sessions and how they wearied him. Does God weary of our prayers? He is compassionate; He cares; does He weary? Philippians 4:6, bring your prayers with thanksgiving. Be anxious for nothing. What does "saved in hope" mean? A positive anticipation. If you believe, all things are possible. When God has given us every reason to trust Him, and then we don't, why would He intervene for us? The value of appreciation and positive anticipation are exhibited in Psalm 23, a source of encouragement; that God cares. Do we say, "Nothing ever works out for me"? Or do we expect great things from God? Do we delight ourselves in God? Commit yourself to God and He will bring it to pass. Pray fervently to God; do your part; then leave it in God's hands. Don't worry – have an expectation that God will deliver- hope, faith, belief. Start making plans accordingly. God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant. Rejoice always, pray with thanksgiving, dwell on the positive. Practice this way of thinking.
Ron Dart's 1990 sermon Power and Corruption. Dart examines Matthew 8-12, looking at the concept of power, what it was used for and why. Power – is it energy? Authority? Strength? Ability? Jesus had all these traits of power and Matthew 8 & 9 show the tremendous power Jesus had over many things, even death. Jesus also had power in His teachings, and called His disciples and gave them power and told the to do many of the same miracles. "Jesus will never tell you to do something without giving you the power to do it."
Ron Dart's 1992 sermon How Old is God? Dart takes a stab at just how old the universe might be, and then states that God is far older. What has God been doing all that time? In light of that immensity, what is man that God is mindful of him? Why do we worry about trivial things? What is God doing? What is our role in it?
Ron Dart's 1990 sermon Mustard Seed Faith. Dart addresses the issue of faith. What is it? Can you measure it? Does it come and go? Is it a gift? Or is there something we can do about it? Is it belief? Jesus rebuked people for their lack of faith or belief, indicating these people were somehow at fault. It seems that if we do not believe, if we do not have faith, we have only ourselves to blame. So, what do we do about it? 1) Take no anxious thought; don't worry. 2) When you have put something in God's hands, dwell on the good ways it can work out, not the bad. 3) The most destructive thing to faith is the human imagination, which we have control over. 4) Do not harden your heart. Instead, trust God. Expect. God will bring forth the good. Don't practice a lack of faith by worrying. "They could not enter in because of unbelief" -- something they could have corrected. "Rejoice in the Lord always!" The power of positive thinking is the bottom line of faith – Jesus & Paul both support this idea. Why would Jesus criticize the disciples for their unbelief and lack of faith, if it wasn't within their power to do something about it? Choose wisely what thoughts you dwell upon.
Added Randy Stiver's 1995 sermon It Is a Good Day to Die. In the aftermath of the 1995 WCG apostasy, UCG pastor Randy Stiver discusses martyrdom for Jesus Christ. He speaks of the critical importance of courage, giving examples from the Old and New Testaments. In a battle, you might die. He intersperses references to Star Trek and the U.S. founding while discussing the kingdom of God and refuting the wrong teachings that WCG has come out with. True martyrdom has no ego. Jesus – the ultimate martyr. He reconciles the concepts of martyrdom and the place of safety. The statement "You must be loyal to the Lord's anointed or you won't go to the place of safety" is a snare that trapped many. Are we prepared for the ultimate witness for Jesus Christ? The martyr does not fear men, and Satan has no leverage on him.
Ron Dart's 1990 sermon Gifts of the Spirit. What are spiritual gifts? Who has them? Why are they given? How can you tell the true from the false? A spiritual gift from God is not for you, it is for others. Gifts are distributed to according to the will of God throughout the church, for the purpose of building the church, making individuals more like Christ. It is not for division. Beware of unworthy motives. Gifts are distributed widely; they do not all fall upon one man, neither does one gift fall upon all men. But they do work together. If we have a gift, or the spirit moves us, just do it. You don't have to figure it out, God has already. If a spiritual gift is used to divide or cause strife, it is not of God. Spiritual gifts are given not to control, but to serve. By their fruits you will know them.
Ron Dart's 1989 sermon Change or Growth? Entropy leading to disorder is inevitable, without design and power to impose order. So, with change inevitable, how can we direct that change into growth? Dissatisfaction with our life leads to the establishment of goals and objectives you can impose on your mind. Paul provides several things we can and should impose upon ourselves. Letting others be free to impose change upon themselves, we can all combine to grow the church. Change, without a goal, leads to chaos. The ministry has a role in this, also. Use adversity to motivate yourself to impose change. Can you grow in a trial? Or will you let your suffering be in vain?
Added Ron Dart's 1991 sermon Fatherhood of God. The religion of the Bible is patriarchal. Why? The 70 elders were all men. The priesthood was all men. Jesus chose 12 men. Paul established that only men are to lead the church. The husband is the head of the wife. Why? How does modern society view this? Abraham was a father. Jesus has revealed that we are to relate to God as Father. Is this just sexism? Or is it really something else? Dart answers these questions, and addresses the role women play.
Added Ted Armstrong's 1978 sermon Explaining His Disfellowshipment. In the first part, Armstrong goes into some of the accusations made against him, showing why they are false and addresses different aspects of the conflict intermittently as he goes through the sermon. He recalls his childhood in the COG, Oregon Conference, before going into the main sermon, where he addresses the 7 churches of Revelation, emphasizing the saving purpose of Jesus Christ and the expansive nature of preaching the gospel. While expressing doubt that the 7 churches represent 7 eras, he says, “There is a message for every person in every era in each letter to all the churches.” The gospel is more than an announcement. Armstrong asserts that there is no hierarchical relationship among the apostles. He calls “unbiblical” the statement that there has never been a time, in the history of the world, where there was not one man, and one man alone, through whom God worked. He concludes with a declaration of his dogged determination to preach the gospel any and every way he can.
Added Ron Dart's 1994 sermon To The Work. The church was almost obsessive about "The Work" when Ron Dart joined in 1958. The Apostle Paul believed that what he did made a difference in the number of people that would be saved. There is very much more to doing the work than preaching the gospel. Paul didn't hesitate to risk life and limb for the work. Dart essentially gives a tribute to Paul, that it might inspire all of us. Like Oskar Schindler, we can save some, we can't save all, could we have saved more? Also, What was the seed that eventually led to the failure of the Worldwide Church of God to do the work? It was not failed prophecy, as problematic as that was.
Added Ron Dart's 1993 sermon World Tomorrow Workshop. There is work that is more fun than play, and is far more satisfying. This is what God has prepared for those that love Him. Dart looks at all the problems that will exist at the start of the millennium, and how the solutions will be up to us to fix. We will have the power, the sense, the direction, and the help of God. We won't just sit around and watch God do miracles. The faithful will have rule over cities. The Gentiles will come to OUR light! Dart vividly describes what it might be like. A complete redesign and remake of the world, physically and socially. Why didn't God start out with the millennium? Is this planet earth project the first time God has done this? After all is said and done on earth, what then? What is in your future? What do you have to do to not miss out?
Added Ron Dart's 1990 sermon Marriage - Who Leads? Starting at Genesis, Dart looks at marriage. Sin led them to hide from each other, as well as from God. It kept their children from ever becoming would they could have become. Was Adam the leader even before he sinned? What about a long-haired man? A woman' head covering? The responsibility of the husband/father and why? How to lead. Some relationship principles of marriage. We need to learn our responsibilities and let other's learn theirs.
Added Ron Dart's 1983 sermon Should Sinners Attend Church? Dart reviews the multiple incidents where Jesus interacted with "sinners". They were drawn to Him, and He directed much of His ministry toward them, yet most of the religious leaders loathed Him. The difference was that the "sinners" knew what they were. Dart points out that Jesus did not turn the sinners away and even encouraged them to come to Him. Dart then effectively criticizes churches that screen their prospective visitors. (Note: this is a complete version of the previously incomplete version that was on the "Miscellaneous" page.)
Added Ron Dart's 1993 sermon Why Cults? Dart tells the story of a pastor who left WCG, started a cult, gained a following,failed spectacularly, quit his ministry, and went and got a job. Dart uses this to examine cults, why they occur. How they are an authority disorder. How your authority must be the written Word of God. What about progressive revelation? What about "call no man father"? Does God know everything about the future? How to avoid getting caught in a cult.
Added Ron Dart's 1990 sermon The Next Temple. Given in the context of the first Gulf War. Dart speaks on the politics, history, and religion in the Middle East. He expounds on the prophecies of Luke21 and Daniel 11, the tribulation, King of the North and King of the South. It would seem that the sacrifices must be resumed, requiring an altar and a priesthood -- and a temple? -- a tabernacle? Why the Jews haven't built one already and what might trigger them to do so.
Added Ron Dart's 1991 sermon Springfield Mo Campaign. An evengelistic message at Springfield, Missouri. Dart uses the current USSR instability to show that WCG and CGI have always believed there will not be WWIII between the US and the USSR. Why? The what and when of a prophecy is worthless without the why. What the difference is between apocalyptic literature and prophetic literature. Prophetic literature has a moral teaching as part of it. The Book of Revelation shows the what and when, and it frequently references back to the prophetic books, where we can learn the why. Why does God bother to reveal prophecy to anyone? Dart gives the 2 reasons. We know a diabolical world order will come to power at the end time. We know some people will be protected. Those who understand have an obligation to tell others.
Obituary for Ronald L. Dart
Services for Ronald L. Dart, 82, of Tyler, Texas will be held, Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 2:30 p.m., at Stewart Family Funeral Home with Jonathan Garnant officiating.
Burial will follow at Whitehouse Memorial Cemetery in Whitehouse, Texas.
Mr. Dart passed away Saturday, January 23, at his home in Tyler, TX.
He was born January 7, 1934 in Harrison, Arkansas to Tildon and Eva Dart.
Ron Dart was the founder and president of Christian Educational Ministries and the voice of the international Born to Win radio program. He attended Hardin Simmons University, graduated from Ambassador College, and had work towards his PhD at the University of Texas, Austin. He was gifted with the ability to make a difficult subject clear and understandable and his knowledge of the Bible drew many listeners. He wrote 11 books on various Bible subjects. Born to Win will stay on the air and continue doing the work Mr. Dart began.
Ron Dart was preceded in death by his father, mother, and sister, Nana Williams.
He is survived by his loving and devoted wife of 62 years, Allie.
Pallbearers will be Gary Gibbons, C. Rod Martin, John Currier, Willie Oxendine, Joshua Voyce, and John Beasley.
Visitation is scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, January 26, at Stewart Family Funeral Home, 7525 Old Jacksonville Highway, Tyler.
Memorials may be made to Christian Educational Ministries, P.O. Box 560, Whitehouse, TX 75791.
From Allie Dart: Ronald L. Dart died peacefully in his sleep early this Sabbath morning, January 23rd, from a prolonged battle with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. His remarkable gift of clarity and love and understanding of the Bible were devoted to teaching others.
Christian Educational Ministries, founded by Ron Dart in 1995, will continue to promote his timeless insights into God’s Word through the Born to Win program, his books, essays and audio messages. He was a gifted speaker and teacher who leaves a legacy of knowledge and understanding of the precious Word of God.
Mr. Ron Dart has passed away. Here is a tribute from Ken Swiger:
I learned this morning of the passing of an old friend, a brother in the faith, teacher, preacher, and a man I consider a mentor.
Mr. Ronald L. Dart passed away peacefully in the early morning hours on this Sabbath day following a multi-year battle against cutaneous T-Cell lymphoma.
God has richly blessed the Church of God movement to have allowed us to have Ron Dart in our lives for so many years. So many of us can look back at what we have learned from Mr. Dart's ministry and give thanks for this Godly man and his work. Please join me in praying for Mrs. Dart.
Allie has also been a faithful worker in the fields of the Lord and as innovators in Christian ministry. Together they have advocated for active involvement of children in the worship of God and led the way in involvement of the laity in the planning and execution of independent Feast of Tabernacles sites.
Let's be in prayer for Allie Dart, The BORN TO WIN team, and all the family of faith as we grieve this loss.
We are saddened by our loss, but we know that our brother Ron has completed his race, and in his next waking moment will be with the King of Kings. Take comfort in that sure knowledge.
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