COG Sermons
Ron Dart 1979 Sermons
7903 Stick Your Neck Out Who is more likely to be in the kingdom of God? The risk-taker or one who plays it safe? The Jews in Europe played it safe instead of risking leaving. Risk/reward parables. Hard work is important, but these parables are about risk. George S. Patton and military parallels to our battle. Fear paralyzes, whether justified fear or not. Powerful Biblical examples of risk-taking. What if you take a risk and lose it all? |
7924A The Galatians - Part 3 of 4 Overview and background of Galatians. Paul's perspective. An outstanding explanation of law and grace. An extensive esplanation of justification from Romans, which is a better treatise on justification than Galatians. How to reconcile "doers of the law justified" and "by the deeds of the law is no flesh justified." Works of the law; Paul's confrontation of Peter. Part 4 of 4 is a direct continuation of the same sermon. |
7924A The Galatians - Part 4 of 4
This is a direct continuation of the same sermon as part 3 of 4. Cannot be justified by anything we do, only by faith. Not just for Jews as all nations blessed by Abraham. In the process of doing rituals, we exhibit God’s plan for ourselves and those around us. Subjects: “curse of the law”; 430-year-old law; schoolmaster; beggarly elements; works of the law; freewoman and bondwoman. |
7932A Pentecost - Birthday of the Church
Very good narrative of the 1st Pentecost. A study on tongues and their purpose. Pentecost symbolizes making the spirit available to all flesh. Is lengthy baptism counseling really necessary? Discussion of the gifts of God; how none of them are merited; how they are distributed as God sees fit; how God doesn't give all His gifts to one man; how men cannot decide what gifts a man will have; a look at what God has given me and how I can use it; the great responsibility of those who have received spiritual gifts. High praise for how the staff at Bricket Wood College in England worked very well as a whole, even though each individual had some gifts and lacked others. The body as a whole combines its varied talents and serves God as Jesus Christ sees fit. Specifically mentioned: Raymond McNair, Charles Hunting, Ernest Martin. Others mentioned in the sermon: Herman Hoeh, Rod Meredith, Ted Armstrong, Herbert Armstrong. |
7934 Was Jesus a Liberal or a Conservative?
How was Jesus perceived? How does He see Himself? Examples comparing Jesus to both liberals and conservatives, Sadducees and Pharisees, which are on opposite ends of the liberal/conservative spectrum. In the end, Jesus is right. |
7943 A New Perspective On the New Covenant
What is a covenant? It is commitments and a relationship leading to life fellowship. The commitments establish the relationship that transcends terms and conditions. Can almost substitute "relationship" for "covenant". How blood plays a role in covenants. Marriage is an analogy for God's covenants. Acts 15 was about a covenant with false gods. Abraham's covenant was the basis of both the Old Covenant and the New Covenant (race and grace). To "cut" a covenant. Mosaic covenant was voluntary. What is in the Old Covenant? What isn't in it! Old Covenant was national; New Covenant is personal. The New Covenant descends from the Abrahamic Covenant, not the Old Covenant. The New Covenant is not just a receiving of the remission of sins, but is a two-sided commitment. Example of Barzillai. |
7947 Personal Evangelism - Part 1
The power of individuals unleashed in evangelism. The Matthew 28 great commission is to all members personally. Philip and the value of one-on-one evangelism, which may very well have led to thousands of converts. The power of word-of-mouth and contacts. God does the calling but we spread the seed. What Paul did made a difference in whether some were saved or not. So, what does one do? 1) Prepare self with Bible study and answers to why we do what we do: 2) Start making contacts now; 3) Be involved in the community; don't separate from the world -- we are the salt and the light; 4) be able to handle disappointment, like the salesman who knocks on a thousand doors to get one sale. |
79-03-03 Tithing - Heart of Matter
Why tithe? What is the purpose? Why 10%? Who was Melchizidek? Abraham’s payment was a tithe, not a one-time offering. Tithing acknowledges God as the source of what was tithed on. It is the tither’s responsibility to make sure the tithe is used to honor God. There has always been a priesthood. The Levitical tithe was not a new law, but a new administration. The change in the priesthood (and the resultant administration) is similar to the change in Passover rituals – the reality that it points to is the same, regardless of the administrative differences. Tithing is a relationship between a man and his God, not a man and his church. We don’t tithe to get blessed. We don’t tithe because God needs it. We tithe because we’ve been blessed. Also discussed: Redeeming the tithe; Applicable to agriculture only? |
79-03-10 Are the Holy Days Really Important?
Some believe it doesn't matter what you think, but what you do. Others think vice-versa. Is it possible to worship God in a wrong way? Does God care? Form precedes substance. What did Jesus say about the Holy Days? What about the New Testament church? Jesus came to take us a step beyond the rituals, not to do away with them. Festivals are harvests and may be why we have such a strong emphasis on evangelism and the resultant harvest. Subjects: Jeroboam and the Holy Days; Right hand and forehead; Why the law -- for us or for God?; Ananias and Sapphira; Leviticus 23; Are the festivals required? |
79-04-14 My Answer - Ernest Martin
A respectful, yet blunt, criticism of Ernest Martin and his 1976 book, "Progressive Revelation." Martin had been with WCG previously. Subjects covered: Are there parts of the Bible that do not pertain to the Christian? Rightly dividing the word of truth. Not different laws but different administrations. Is the law arbitrary? Did Jesus teach law-keeping as the means to salvation? Yoke of bondage. Rise, Peter, kill and eat. Is all ritual unnecessary? Dart shows that all new truths must be built on the foundation of previous truths. |
79-04-28 Galatian Church II
(Poor audio quality) The relevance of the totally gentile nature of the Galatian churches to law and grace. The legitimacy of Paul's apostleship and how he was set apart at birth and how his teaching came from God. The nature of the "other" gospel. Paul's admittance that even he could be wrong in the future; that his authority is not in his person, but in his adherence to scripture. This also applies to Herbert Armstrong. "Don't believe me, believe the Bible." Paul preached and taught for 3 years without any permission or even notification from Peter. Paul was on a par with the other chief apostles, plural. Paul was directed by revelation, not by any other apostle. What is the yoke of bondage? What is the role of the law and the holy days in salvation? Mention of Dart's meeting with Church of God-Seventh Day leader. Dart's praise for Herbert Armstrong's 1939 government article. If Peter was the leader, why would he fear anyone? Even the Jews knew that justification was by faith, not works, and has always been this way. |
79-06-02 Go Reap My Harvest
Why are festivals centered around the harvest times? Three harvests and 3 festival seasons. Less about the size of the harvest than the fruit harvested. Nowhere does the Bible say the early harvest has to be small. Is the gospel only an announcement? Not according to Matthew 28 and John 4: the harvest is ripe now, and it is plentious! We are to work to harvest people now. If the harvest is small, that’s our fault, not God’s. Paul preached Jesus crucified, not just an announcement of the coming kingdom of God. “You achieve your salvation in the finding of the salvation of others.” When one neglects the salvation of others and attempts to save himself, does he loses it. The whole concept of the holy days is to get your mind on the harvest. Pentecost’s ultimate fulfillment is the return of Christ. Subjects: Pentecost parallel with the Jubilee, Sunday Pentecost; ritual of wave sheaf offering; Herman Hoeh; 2 loaves; 7 Old Testament church eras; 7 New Testament church eras, Garner Ted Armstrong’s and Ron Dart’s departures from the Worldwide Church of God. |
79-06-30 Seek The Thoughts of God
Do not follow a man. Love the truth of the Bible. All men are fallible, no matter how right they have been. “If they speak not according to this word, there is no light in them.” Search the scriptures daily to see if preachings are true. Think for yourself; you are responsible for your beliefs, thoughts, and actions and cannot pass it off on the leader. |
79-07-28 God's Anointed
Example of a double bind. Biblical example of abuse of authority in the church government. Is it possible for God's government to be corrupted? What did God do about it? What did the people do? How does it apply today? Is there a safeguard against such corruption or is submission required? Although the Worldwide Church of God and its leaders are never mentioned, this sermon is almost certainly in response to what was going on in that organization at that time. |
79-11-17 Envy Not
Envy - the most destructive force in the church. The dominant emotion in the crucifixion. Envy of Joseph, Paul. Humility immunizes against envy. Love and envy are incompatible. Envy causes division. How to highly esteem others, practice humility and service, thereby purging envy. |
1979 Christian Charity
Christian generosity with goods, words, and acts, using the Spirit of God. Charity is to God, then family, then needy. Be generous with your opinions and judgments, giving the benefit of the doubt to those who may be shy, to whom you may not especially like, show no partiality. Subjects: 3rd tithe (extensive); 2nd, festival tithe (extensive); Feast of Tabernacles; widows in the church; lending to the poor; tax deductions vs the importance of personal giving; partiality. |
1979 Conviction of Sin
Have we forgotten we were purged of our old sins? We start as the publican, do we then move toward the pharisee? The carnal mind is hostile to God even well into our Christian walk. Extensive look at the book of Romans. To be lifted up, humble self. It is through the daily awareness of our need for a savior that our relationship with God is cemented. Subjects: Christian first love; The role of the law; Self-esteem; How to atone; How to handle guilt. |
1979 Covenant Relationships
What is a covenant? What is it composed of? It goes beyond submission and surrender – it is a relationship and commitment. Extensive discussion of the New Covenant. “Whatever you ask” – why is this not always answered? How all-encompassing is our covenant with Jesus? We are not “under” a covenant, but “in” one, 2 sided, where commitment leads both parties to sacrifice and suffer loss for the relationship. Subjects: Passover, blood, bread & wine, family, contract, marriage, pruning, Barzillai, to “cut” a covenant. |
1979 Meaning Behind the Law
Why keep the law? Why do we seem to play "hopscotch" with the Old Testament laws? The role of the law in salvation. Are any laws inapplicable to us today? Why? Are those laws done away? The deeper meaning of the law beyond the letter. The value of rituals in leading to the deeper meaning of the law. The law is not there to gain salvation; it is not only to define sin; it is to convey wisdom and an understanding of God, if we think. Specific laws discussed: slavery; muzzling the ox; rail around the roof; plowing with an ox and ass; bird in the field; neighbor's animal; interracial marriage; more... |
1979 Romans - Heart of the Gospel
"Easily the most important of all the New Testament epistles." "The most comprehensive treatise on redemption." Subjects: Moral debauchery in Rome in relation to Romans 1; 56 references to the Old Testament in Romans; Symbol of the fish; Salvation is a process; Conviction of sin; Justification; Saved by His life; Baptism; Role of the law; Paul's carnality - my carnality; Uplifting chapter 8; God won't give up on us; Opposition to God in human nature; The duty of the Christian in the church and the community. |
1979 The Holy Days Are Not Done Away
A thorough examination of 3 scriptures commonly used to claim the Holy Days have been done away. Galatians 4:9-10, Ephesians 2:15, Colossians 2:14-16. You cannot make a distinction in the law (including The Holy Days, Sabbath, the law of Moses, the ceremonial laws, and even the Ten Commandments), throwing some out and keeping others; they all stand or fall together. Subjects: The temple as a stage for God's plan; nailed to the cross; Numbers 5 blotting out; Numbers 6 vows; "where God places His name". |
1979 Two Faces of Fear
Fear God contrasted with boldness. Healthy fears vs unhealthy fears. The role of fear in bringing us to God -- awe and respect as followers of God vs fear of consequences if we don't. The use of fear by intimidators and how to handle it. God has not given us a spirit of fear. To fear man (even in the church) could be idolatry since it would mean fearing man instead of God. |
1979 Where Is Your Petra?
Worldwide Church of God always had a good history on matching doctrine to scripture. Was this done for the Place of Safety doctrine? "Don't believe me, believe your Bible." Even Paul was not to be followed if he did not follow scripture. Revelation 12 symbolism (later revised in the Born To Win program Revelation #15). What criteria would God use to protect you or to chastise you? The organization you're a part of? Subjects: Place of safety; church eras; Philadelphia church era; role of church government; Selah; Petra in the Old Testament; the Rock as our refuge; eagle's wings. |
7936 Are You Deception Proof?