COG Sermons
Ron Dart 1982 Sermons
8216 Understanding Prophecy Prophecy is meant to be understood by some and hidden to others. Jesus had to face the reality that he was going to speak His message to many who would not, could not understand. A sense of history is absolutely essential to understanding prophecy. Fear often comes with prophecy, but it must be a pure fear of God, not that of men. Why the dreamlike detachment from reality nature of prophecy? Duality is a primary component of prophecy. The Israel-Egypt alliance in history. Type and anti-type explained. Dart goes through Isaiah and points out many type/antitype pairs. |
8222 Are You Sure of a Place of Safety? A riveting sermon about church leaders saying one thing and the Bible saying another. Is your standard the Holy Bible? Are you sure? Dart talks about why he left the Worldwide Church of God. How he and Rod Meredith both taught Biblical truths that became in conflict with WCG’s 1978 teaching on the primacy of Peter. “No totalitarian authority can tolerate those who have an absolute by which to judge that authority and it’s actions.” “When we allow the church to become the judge of scripture instead of scripture being the judge of the church,we have sold out.” There are false apostles, and the Ephesian church was praised for judging those who called themselves apostles. By what standard did they judge? |
8224 How To Evaluate Doctrine Dart explains what we should do when we encounter a new teaching. In the process, he addresses doctrinal issues such as “the wall of separation”, “absent from the body”, and “law is abolished”. He gives 10 steps that will keep you from being deceived, determining if there is a deception going on in the process. |
82-03-20 Could Christ Return Tonight? In-depth review of prophetic events from Daniel, the Olivet prophecy, and Revelation. Approached chronologically backward from the return of Christ. Discussion of the 7 trumpets, the 3 woes, the 144,000, the beast, the 1260, 1290, 1335 days, 42 months, time-time-half-a-time, time of the gentiles, the resurrection of the dead, two witnesses, daily sacrifice, abomination of desolation. Specific length of time for the 5th and 6th trumpets. Do all the prophecies apply to all the world? Or just Israel? For example, why no gentiles in the 144,000? Speculation of weapons to be used. Discussion of Revelation 12 and the woman who gave birth to the man child and the place of safety. |
82-04-17 Faith - A Second Look A look at some surprising Biblical examples of faith. The Biblical definition of faith and its relationship to belief. The role of persistence in faith. Faith is seen by the things we do. Can the unconverted have powerful faith? Who’s faith is it -- ours or God’s? Is faith a gift of God? Have we neglected faith because we’ve been told we can’t work it up and we have to wait for God to give it to us? Or, does Jesus expect us to have faith? Why? So, what are the ways we can increase our faith? |
82-05-29 Pentecost, Not Yet Fulfilled Excellent, technical discussion on the timing of Pentecost and reasons for a Sunday Pentecost, even without a discussion of "the first day of the weeks", as Mr. Dart addresses years later. Compares Pentecost and the Jubilee, harvests, and the significance of Pentecost for the Christian today. |
82-05-30 Happiness First Pentecost went beyond happiness to joy! Signs of happiness are also signs of love. The joy of baptism; the joy of healing, not only for the receiver. Envy and ego are the enemies of happiness. God is slow to anger, full of mercy, wants the best for us, and for us to be happy. Are we comfortable with happiness or must we find something to complain about and therefore focus on worry instead of joy? The normal state for the Christian is happy and anything else is transitory and will end in even more joy. Joy in a trial. “This, too, will pass.” Look to the future with faith. Happiness comes from accomplishment and productivity and from making others happy. Given just prior to Pentecost, the joy of the festivals, and the role of the 2nd tithe in that joy, is discussed. |
82-08-21 A Closer Walk With Christ Was Jesus literal when he said to cut off your hand, pluck out your eye, hate your parents? What did He mean? What about turning the other cheek, not resisting evil, self-defense, and vengeance? What about taking up your cross? Counting the cost – are we willing to pay the price to be closer to Christ? Spend time reading, studying, and praying, then it is easier to fall into step with Jesus. |
1982 New Moons Dart looks at the new moon in the law, the prophets, and the New Testament, how it was observed and if it is to be observed by the Christian. Is it a holy convocation? A day of rest? How was it kept in the Old Testament? Customs of men vs law of God. Conclusion: It is not wrong for Christians to observe new moons in some minor way, by custom, but there is no requirement for any Christian to do so. Similar to birthdays and makeup, there is no law prohibiting them or demanding them, so men may have customs but that is different from law. In situations like this, it is not right to criticize those who don’t do as you do. Apply Romans 14 in consideration of others you may think are weak in faith. |
1982 Why Doesn't Everyone Keep the Holy Days? This sermon is not so much a look at the Holy Days as it is a look at the role, status and place of the gentiles in the religion and society of ancient Israel. Dart examines the difference (or lack thereof) between the Gentiles and Israel in Biblical law, and how that practice changed from the time of Moses to the time of the New Testament. In the process, Dart asks the questions about who was to keep the Holy Days, who was to make sacrifices, and what the Ephesians 2 “wall of separation” refers to. Although the Jews in the time of the New Testament separated themselves from the Gentiles, Dart shows, very thoroughly, how this has no basis in the Old Testament law. |