COG Sermons
Ron Dart 1997 Sermons
9700 Bound and Obligated Dart: The biggest mistake in the churches in our tradition was that the ministry did the work – rather than train the workers and admonish them as necessary. How much more might we have done if we hadn’t left it all up to the ministry? Dedicated, consecrated, committed, holy. We are all of these. Highly esteem leaders for their work’s sake. Yes, the ministry is bound and obligated, but we are all in the ministry of service and we are all bound and obligated. Why should the church grow? How? How to achieve unity? Each of us has his task. There are tasks that fit one person better than another. If he doesn’t do it, it won’t get done. Also, why so many in the church get deceived. |
9704 The Faith Once Delivered What is the faith Jude is referring to? Is it an emphasis on immoral men and immoral behavior? Or on the divisions between Sabbath-keeping churches? What is meant by “eternal fire”? “The faith” that Paul as a Jew tried to destroy was not the Sabbath or Holy Days, but Christ. The faith of Christ (belonging to Christ) is much more than faith in Christ. We need to learn to define ourselves according to our conformation to the faith of Jesus Christ, not our differences with other churches. |
9706 A Doctrine of Marriage The ultimate sermon on marriage, Dart addresses all aspects including betrothal, consummation, fornication, covenant, responsibilities, children, formal ceremony, the creation of marriage, and why marriage. “Marriage is one man, one woman, for life.” Biblical laws concerning pre-marital relations, extra-marital relations, remarriage, valid reasons to break the marriage. What constitutes a good marriage? God witnesses the marriage, joins them, and sanctions it. The covenant – vows, promises, and obligations. “Marriage infidelity is treachery of the highest degree.” |
9708 Perfectly Joined Together Dart addresses how the church can move toward Paul’s admonition that it be “of one mind”. He talks about personal and organizational behaviors and attitudes and dangers to be avoided. How to move toward church unity for a congregation, an organization, and the entire body of Christ. |
9709 A Doctrine of Repentance "Sorrow from the heart, conviction of sin from the heart that leads to repentance from the heart, is where the Christian life begins. It is the first stone laid in the foundation of the doctrine of Christ." Dart defines repentance, how it is a change of heart and mind and actions. It is a turnaround in the way you live your life. It means that you really, from the heart, change. What is Godly sorrow that leads to salvation? Dart explores Job's repentance, the detail and depth of King David's repentance, and concludes with Peter's sermon in Acts 2, which led thousands to repentance. |
9712 The Bread of Humilty |
9717 John and the Heretics |
9719 Why Pentecost on Sunday? |
9721 More Than Duty |
9722 The Power of Love |
9724 The Big Three |
9727 The Doctrine of the Tithing |
9729 Jesus Saves |
9731 Faith or Superstition |
9734 Confusion, Fear, and Grace |
9735 The Power of Prayer Why pray when God already knows what He's going to do? Plus, since He knows best, why not just say "Thy will be done. Amen."? Does our will matter? Dart answers these questions and shows how God wants to know our desires and hopes. God is open to being convinced. Dart explores various aspects of effective prayer and in the process inspires us to pray. Also: Is is necessary to have a formal prayer session and a formal prayer posture? |
9737 The Doctrine Tree |
9739 Atonement and Community Dart speaks on separation and how it isn’t always sin. It doesn’t mean you can’t pray. Leviticus study of unclean & reconciliation & separation (uncleanness is not sin, but a cause for separation). Separation from God is community-related, not personal. Atonement is the formal act of the end of separation. |
9743 Looking for the Tree |
9745 To The Scattered Church A very sobering admonition to every member of the Church of God. Dart draws amazing parallels between the scattering of the Church of God and the scatterings of ancient Israel. “Why should we expect God to bring us all back together when we haven’t really learned to quit fighting with one another?” Israel's judges are paralleled to our church leaders and Dart asserts that everyone is (was) to blame, even the righteous ones, like Daniel (Daniel 9). Have we asked God to show us where we have gone wrong? Or are we so sure we aren’t? If we reorganize without repenting, will the results be any different? Why do problems continue to plague every organization in the COGs? “Because the underlying cause of the scattering that God has laid upon us has not been resolved.” It’s not just the leaders, for if no one followed… |
9748 Falling Short |
9749 Resurrection All life makes no sense unless there is more. Pain is inevitable, suffering, grief. Dart explains why, from Job. Resurrection is not just a New Testament concept. Dart gives a lengthy, excellent analysis of the resurrection chapter, paraphrasing 1 Corinthians 15. "There is no middle ground. Jesus was either raised from the dead or Paul, James, Peter, John, and all the rest of them were a pack of liars." You decide. In the resurrection, will we know one another? How will our body be different? Why did God make us flesh? Adversity is part of what we are and what God is building in us, which is why we were made flesh instead of spirit; to build character that otherwise could not be built. To get what God is after requires the flesh first. Every change we encounter should serve to make us more like God. |
97APM A Pentecost Marriage This outstanding sermon showcases Dart's excellent story-telling skill as he relates the saga of Ruth. Without adding to the story, Dart explores conditions and events that are often overlooked and adds insightful commentary. It is all framed in the context of the "harvest". Also included is a calendar discussion for Pentecost. |
97B12 Count the Cost An interactive talk on the cost of being a disciple of Jesus, including a limited invitation –- those who didn’t respond were shut out. Apparently it is better not to start than to start and quit. There is a cost – drifting and coasting is not good enough. Dart gives a very strong Biblical warning against slacking. Jesus expects us to work. Our responsiveness makes a difference. |
97CBC Cracking the Bible Codes |
97CH12 Is God Really a Family? |
97CKC Children Who Kill Children |
97DSS Dead Sea Scrolls Update Dart reports from a seminar on the Dead Sea Scrolls. While there, he joked in an email that many people are running to and fro and knowledge is being increased. |
97F6 A Doctrine of Grace Dart is a radical believer in the law of God and, as Jesus said, that not one jot or tittle has passed from it. How, then, does one explain Jesus' justification of David eating the showbread? Especially when David didn't even repent of his unlawful act? The answer? "Grace". An Old Testament doctrine. Dart narrates several Old Testament accounts of God's grace. Great grace was repeatedly with Jesus. Is it with us? |
97F10 How Many Sons? |
97ION The Identity of Nations |
97NC The Naked Christ |
97PAS Passover Service 1997 |
97RES Is There No Resurrection? |
97RES Sacred Names Excerpt A segment discussing the sacred names doctrine, taken from the sermon "Is There No Resurrection?" |
97SAL Beyond Salvation Dart takes an in-depth look at the view that we are saved by grace and rewarded according to works. Does that mean we can be saved but have no reward? Is it possible to be saved, and then have the door slammed in our face? Can we fall away? Sin as shackles and salvation as the rescue from those shackles. Justification, glorification, predestination. Healing is a type of salvation – unearned, by the grace of God. Can Jesus always be taken literally? God is involved in a huge project and wants us to be part of it. That is why He challenges us, sometimes severely. He expects us to overcome; to win. |
97TNT Can We Trust the New Testament? The answer is yes, and Dart tells why. Outstanding discussion on the origins and preservation of the New Testament. Interestingly, this is the only time I heard Dart get annoyed at his audience, and rightly so. He was making one of his best points. |
97WWC What's Wrong With the Church? |
97-04-28 GUN11 The New Evangelists |
97-01-25 Does Crime Pay? A 1997 interactive session repackaged as a weekend Bible study. Dart asks, in this world, does crime pay? Lying? Stealing? Even more interesting than the question, "why do bad things happen to good people?" is the question "why do good things happen to bad people?". Are we actually envious of the evil sometimes? What about the teen who observes the world and concludes, "God doesn't see; God doesn't care." Will risk/reward work? Can we teach that it all evens out in the end? No, this world is not just, but God is. Dart cites appropriate scriptures and reasoning from the Bible. |
97-10-16 Where is Home? Solomon said, and correctly so, that the universe cannot contain God. Why, then, would the temple, or even the New Jerusalem? Humans have a need for home. Abraham lived in tents; we are pilgrims. God has no such need. Is it possible that, to God, home is where He is? Might home for us be where He is? What does this mean for us now? Our bodies, our nation, our planet, the sun, even the whole universe are aging and are temporary. Eternity in our hearts is a yearning for home and that is a yearning for God. A Feast of Tabernacles message. |
97-10-23 How Many Sons? What about the billions who never knew God? Is all that life experience, the joy and the pain, in vain? Paul wrestled with this in regards to the Jews. Dart challenges the common belief about hell. Dart turns to multiple prophecies, especially in Isaiah to show what God's ultimate purpose is, namely to save all mankind through Jesus Christ. Man, at his best, is an unfinished work. God will one day remember, and change. A Last Great Day / Eighth Day message. |
97-12-26 Beginning of the Gospel |