COG Sermons
Jon Garnant 2018 Sermons
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The Gospel of Faithful Abraham       Jan 6, 2018 Garnant resolves difficult verses from Galatians 3. He looks at Abraham: his belief, his faith, his obedience, and that he had the same gospel spoken to him that we have today. |
Sanctuary       January 27, 2018 A biblical perspective of "Sanctuary" may describe a place that is collective, familial, worshipful, and a refuge of peace. It is, ultimately, a personal encounter with God. God says He will be our sanctuary and will be where His people are gathered together. This message discusses the concept of sanctuary - what it means and why it has always been with God's people. |
Your Time, Your Future       March 10, 2018 We live in an increasingly impersonal and dehumanizing age. There are many ways we can distract ourselves. They can easily and unknowingly separate us in our relationships with each other and with God. This message encourages us to spend our time wisely, and emphasizes the importance of hearing God's words through reading of the Scriptures. Additionally, we need to appreciate and take action to develop, nurture, and sustain human relationships - community, friends, and family - in our lives. |
Two Passovers -- Leaving Egypt, Following Christ       March 31, 2018 In recounting the events of the original Passover and exodus from Egypt, through the institution of the symbols of the New Covenant in the last Passover that Jesus kept prior to His death and resurrection, we see two Passover typologies. One, commemorating God’s deliverance of His people from slavery, the other depicting God's redemption of all mankind through Jesus Christ. As the Israelites were protected and freed by the blood of a lamb, we also have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. Jesus Christ inhabits all of God's Holy Days. We do clearly see two Passovers. In that, we follow the new. |
Forty Days With Christ Towards Pentecost       April 28, 2018 For a period of 40 days following Christ's resurrection and prior to Pentecost, Jesus appeared, interacted and taught His disciples about the Kingdom of God. That interval has meaning for us today. This message reflects on how we should approach these days and prepare our hearts during this time preceding the holy day of Pentecost. |
Pentecost -- Cut to the Heart       May 20, 2018 Peter's powerful sermon, given on the day of Pentecost, had a profound impact on the people hearing his words. They were "cut to the heart" and compelled to respond to God's calling. The important elements of that sermon apply to and impact us today. Do we remember when we were cut to the heart? This message reminds to reflect on who we are, where we were, and where God want to take us. |
Known Only to You       July 14, 2018 Each of us is unique. We may have commonality in beliefs and in God's spirit, but we have our own perspective. All of us have had different formative experiences that include pain and being hurt by others. Through it all, Christ tells us to love our enemies. Did He mean that literally? Based primarily on Luke 6, this message reflects on Jesus' teachings and how we should treat others as we would have them treat us. |
Divinity       August 11, 2018 Jesus made some astonishing claims about who He was. Was He merely a man or was He the a member of the Godhead? Who and what did He actually claim to be, and why did He refer to Himself as the "Son of Man"? Those questions are considered in this message, which centers on the divinity of Jesus Christ. |
Time Space: Quantum Physics and the Sabbath       September 1, 2018 Two concepts dominate our lives: space and time. Typically, we allow space and things to dominate our time. God wants us to do the opposite. He has designated sanctified time, the Sabbath and Holy Days which, when observed, benefit us and our relationship with Him. |
The Sign at the End of the Age       September 10, 2018 The meaning of the Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) is not given in the Old Testament. Yet, it is a commanded observance that we celebrate every year among the other biblical holy days. Based primarily on Matthew 24, this message centers on the “when” and the “what” of the Day of Trumpets, and considers how we are to view our world in the light of this very special day. |
Entering the Land -- Entering the Feast       September 22, 2018 We are about to enter into the time period of the Feast of Tabernacles. There are lessons that we can draw from the Israelites' wandering in the wilderness, residing in temporary dwellings, being care for by God, and eventually entering the promised land. There is tremendous symbolism in this observance - past, future, and even in the present. As we enter the temporary time period of the Feast of Tabernacles, we can have great hope, knowing that - as with the Israelites - God is with us. He will protect us and He will guide us in to the Kingdom of God and the millennial reign of Jesus Christ on this earth. |
Feast the Rest of Your Life       September 24, 2018 The Feast of Tabernacles is a remembrance that God has protected, will protect and provide a life long Hope. |
More Than 9999 Pure       October 20, 2018 Gold has long been valued for its beauty, durability, versatility, and relative scarcity. What is valuable to you? What gives it worth? Using biblical comparisons and analogies with that precious metal in relation to our Christian walk, this message reminds us to consider where we have been, where we are being led, and reinforces why our salvation is worth infinitely more than the finest gold. |
Daniel 1 - Living in Babylon - Thankful       November 24, 2018 We find ourselves in a world that is alien to us and to God's way of life. In many ways, we are in Babylon. The Babylonian culture is all around us. We are immersed in this belief system. We are held captive and are influenced by it. Jesus said that we are to be in the world but not of the world, wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Based on the book of Daniel, this message begins a series examining how we should engage with the world and respond to this newest form of the Babylonian empire. |
God of the Gaps       December 15, 2018 If a cell phones or mobile device can know your every location, how much greater is God to do such a thing? King David pondered the greatness of God. |