COG Sermons
John Ogwyn Sermons 2002
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Go Boldly Before God       January 5, 2002
Ogwyn gives a thorough discussion of the tabernacle, its components, its practices, its purpose. The thrill of going into the temple before God – a thrill we have the opportunity to partake of daily. Our prayers as incense, a guide to prayer. We have such an awesome privilege, paid for in Christ’s blood, to come in and meet with God! Why would we neglect it?
Spiritual Warfare       January 26, 2002
Apostolic Christianity       February 2, 2002
Festival Seasons       February 9, 2002
Why Prophecy, and Our Response       Feb 16, 2002
Examine Yourselves       Feb 23, 2002
Who Jesus Christ Is -- Why He Came       March 16, 2002
Who did Christ say He was? Why did He come? Ogwyn explores 7 different statements in the book of John where Jesus states just who He was. This is an excellent exaltation of Jesus Christ, all that He is, and all that He is doing. In the context of leading up to the Passover, Ogwyn notes that God is not interested in our excuses for why we can’t do what He told us to do (see Moses). That we are expected to change our lives, with Jesus Christ as our example.
Feeding on the Bread of Life       March 21, 2002
Given on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. Passover represents the beginning of God’s plan. God takes the initiative and expects us to respond. We must love the ways of God more than the ways of the world or we won’t come out of the world. We don’t just put out the leaven, we take in the unleavened so, having come out of the world, how do we feed on the Bread of Life? It starts with belief. What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ? It must be with your heart – if so, it will change your life. If we really believe, we act on it. To abide in Christ is to dwell in His word, which translates into obedience. We are to “live by Him.”
Sources of Sin       March 28, 2002
Given on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. Ogwyn looks at the parallels between ancient Israel and the Christian. Includes redemption, deliverance from bondage, covenants, sin. Sins leads to captivity. Ogwyn examines different sources of sin and provides excellent Biblical examples. One source is coveting. “Covetousness leads into every sort of compromise and betrayal of every sort of trust that’s imaginable.” So often sin is committed by people who thought no one would ever find out. Another source of sin is pride. Another is hurt leading to resentment. Another, fear. God doesn’t want excuses; He wants commitment and courage. God wants us to follow. If we do, we will be delivered.
How To Be An Overcomer       March 28, 2002
Given on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. The deliverance from sin (Egypt) has its obstacles and detours. The solution is to fear not, but to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Our victory comes from God. He may lead us in ways that don’t look right. Israel celebrated their victory – “I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed.” God’s redemption was the prelude to our deliverance. Ogwyn outlines an excellent series of steps to overcoming, giving Biblical examples of Jacob and Paul, concluding with an inspiration to believe and obey.
As In the Days of Noah       April 06, 2002
Ogwyn discusses sudden catastrophes, detailing the account of Noah and moving on to the New Testament references to Noah as a preacher of righteousness who warned the world of things not yet seen. The idea of God directly intervening seemed impossible to Noah's society, as well as today's. Things will always go on as they are, right? The actions in the Middle East today (given in 2002) are a prelude. He speaks of the emergence of a strong Arab leader and a strong European leader who will claim to "save western civilization". People don't want a strongman, unless they get scared, then they'll put up with just about anything. The "7 times" of Leviticus 26. What is our role, where do we stand as this civilization nears its end?
Does Prayer Make a Difference?       April 20, 2002
An interesting message as Ogwyn relates many great prayers in the Bible with his excellent narrative style and insight. What about prayers that don't work? How do humility and repentance play into answered prayers?
What Are You Searching For?       May 4, 2002
Pre-Pentecost sermon. There are all kinds of religions in the world, all searching. The ancients have always sought knowledge. Herbert Armstrong used to ask very succinct questions, in order to attract the searcher. Ultimately, what humans are really searching for can only be filled with the Holy Spirit. On Pentecost, God revealed true knowledge, the commandments, to Israel and they agreed to a covenant. Ogwyn goes over the New Testament Pentecost. Why does God reveal truth and instruct us? Knowledge is useless without a soft repentant heart. God will put us to the test to see what we really want to do. We will one day bear the truth and teach it. We are in training now to do so.
Lessons From Ruth       May 11, 2002
Pre-Pentecost sermon. Ogwyn gives a very listenable narrative and commentary on the story of Ruth, its setting in the time of the judges, and the many lessons that can be learned from it, including faith, encouragement, patience, hope. He also shows how it is related to Pentecost and how the story symbolizes God's plan of salvation.
Pentecost - A Matter of Heart       May 19, 2002
Given on Pentecost, Ogwyn emphasizes the heart. The difference in the covenants is with the heart, and that the law will be placed in it. This is the key to being a royal priesthood. We have been called to a way of life. It involves surrender to God and repentance to receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. We are inadequate, but God can supply all our needs. God has given us a destiny of being set apart right here, right now, becoming the first fruits, and ruling with Christ as kings and priests.
Spiritual Growth       June 1, 2002
Ogwyn addresses what growth is, what is needed for it, why it is needed, and, most importantly, how. "Pride is the fountainhead of all sin." Obstacles to growth, how humility and fasting factor in. How to grow in faith. A solid, beneficial sermon.
Relief in Times of Distress       Mid-2002
The Greatest of These is Love       August 3, 2002
The Fathers Good Pleasure to Give You the Kingdom       August 24, 2002
Feast of Trumpets - A Memorial       September 7, 2002
Given that this sermon is from September, 2002, Ogwyn shows good insight that the US and Britain are preparing for a war that will distance them from Europe. This leads into a discussion of the return of Christ, where the equivalent terms “loud shout”, “great rejoicing”, and “blowing of the trumpet” are used to glorify God as creator and as judge of the nations. If you trust God, you will obey Him. The Feast of Trumpets is a memorial of God stepping into history and into the future. Ogwyn also gives an extensive, interesting discussion of end-time prophecy.
Atonement       September 16, 2002
Learning the Fear of God       September 21, 2002
Given on the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Feast of Tabernacles in History & Prophecy       September 22, 2002
Given on the Second Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Christianity - A Way of Life       October 12, 2002
A Surrendered Life       October 26, 2002
The Big Picture       November 2, 2002
Maintaining Commitment       November 9, 2002
Build On the Foundation of Christ       November 16, 2002
Having a Spirit of Thanksgiving       November 30, 2002
Ogwyn "rolls his eyes" at the things we complain about today in comparison to the difficulties of the early American pioneers. "Shouldn't the people who have the most be the most thankful?" What Paul said about end-time attitudes and how do they fit in with today's society. Owgyn shows an equivalence between praise and thanks. Being thankful is an antidote to pride, the fountainhead of all sin. It is also an antidote to to self-centeredness, forgetfulness and worry. Note: Ogwyn talks of how he would rather preach the harsh truths to this country and take the consequences rather than compromise to external opposition to these truths. On the surface, this would seem to be contrary to Rod Meredith's position stated at the 5 minute mark of his 2009 sermon What is Your Breaking Point?
Misuse of Bible Prophecy       Dec 7, 2002
Mystery of Godliness       Dec 21, 2002
Ogwyn teaches about the ancient mystery religion, including groves, trees, the trinity, mass and sacraments. He discusses Cain’s vs Abel’s sacrifices and how a sin offering must be an animal. He ties the mystery religion to Cain to Babylon to Revelation to Saturnalia to Christmas. He contrasts these pagan mysteries with God’s mystery and shows how Satan is a counterfeiter. God’s mystery reveals Man’s ultimate purpose and Ogwyn examines components of that great purpose.
Ogwyn gives a thorough discussion of the tabernacle, its components, its practices, its purpose. The thrill of going into the temple before God – a thrill we have the opportunity to partake of daily. Our prayers as incense, a guide to prayer. We have such an awesome privilege, paid for in Christ’s blood, to come in and meet with God! Why would we neglect it?
Who did Christ say He was? Why did He come? Ogwyn explores 7 different statements in the book of John where Jesus states just who He was. This is an excellent exaltation of Jesus Christ, all that He is, and all that He is doing. In the context of leading up to the Passover, Ogwyn notes that God is not interested in our excuses for why we can’t do what He told us to do (see Moses). That we are expected to change our lives, with Jesus Christ as our example.
Given on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. Passover represents the beginning of God’s plan. God takes the initiative and expects us to respond. We must love the ways of God more than the ways of the world or we won’t come out of the world. We don’t just put out the leaven, we take in the unleavened so, having come out of the world, how do we feed on the Bread of Life? It starts with belief. What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ? It must be with your heart – if so, it will change your life. If we really believe, we act on it. To abide in Christ is to dwell in His word, which translates into obedience. We are to “live by Him.”
Given on the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread. Ogwyn looks at the parallels between ancient Israel and the Christian. Includes redemption, deliverance from bondage, covenants, sin. Sins leads to captivity. Ogwyn examines different sources of sin and provides excellent Biblical examples. One source is coveting. “Covetousness leads into every sort of compromise and betrayal of every sort of trust that’s imaginable.” So often sin is committed by people who thought no one would ever find out. Another source of sin is pride. Another is hurt leading to resentment. Another, fear. God doesn’t want excuses; He wants commitment and courage. God wants us to follow. If we do, we will be delivered.
Given on the Last Day of Unleavened Bread. The deliverance from sin (Egypt) has its obstacles and detours. The solution is to fear not, but to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. Our victory comes from God. He may lead us in ways that don’t look right. Israel celebrated their victory – “I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed.” God’s redemption was the prelude to our deliverance. Ogwyn outlines an excellent series of steps to overcoming, giving Biblical examples of Jacob and Paul, concluding with an inspiration to believe and obey.
Ogwyn discusses sudden catastrophes, detailing the account of Noah and moving on to the New Testament references to Noah as a preacher of righteousness who warned the world of things not yet seen. The idea of God directly intervening seemed impossible to Noah's society, as well as today's. Things will always go on as they are, right? The actions in the Middle East today (given in 2002) are a prelude. He speaks of the emergence of a strong Arab leader and a strong European leader who will claim to "save western civilization". People don't want a strongman, unless they get scared, then they'll put up with just about anything. The "7 times" of Leviticus 26. What is our role, where do we stand as this civilization nears its end?
An interesting message as Ogwyn relates many great prayers in the Bible with his excellent narrative style and insight. What about prayers that don't work? How do humility and repentance play into answered prayers?
Pre-Pentecost sermon. There are all kinds of religions in the world, all searching. The ancients have always sought knowledge. Herbert Armstrong used to ask very succinct questions, in order to attract the searcher. Ultimately, what humans are really searching for can only be filled with the Holy Spirit. On Pentecost, God revealed true knowledge, the commandments, to Israel and they agreed to a covenant. Ogwyn goes over the New Testament Pentecost. Why does God reveal truth and instruct us? Knowledge is useless without a soft repentant heart. God will put us to the test to see what we really want to do. We will one day bear the truth and teach it. We are in training now to do so.
Pre-Pentecost sermon. Ogwyn gives a very listenable narrative and commentary on the story of Ruth, its setting in the time of the judges, and the many lessons that can be learned from it, including faith, encouragement, patience, hope. He also shows how it is related to Pentecost and how the story symbolizes God's plan of salvation.
Given on Pentecost, Ogwyn emphasizes the heart. The difference in the covenants is with the heart, and that the law will be placed in it. This is the key to being a royal priesthood. We have been called to a way of life. It involves surrender to God and repentance to receive the promise of the Holy Spirit. We are inadequate, but God can supply all our needs. God has given us a destiny of being set apart right here, right now, becoming the first fruits, and ruling with Christ as kings and priests.
Ogwyn addresses what growth is, what is needed for it, why it is needed, and, most importantly, how. "Pride is the fountainhead of all sin." Obstacles to growth, how humility and fasting factor in. How to grow in faith. A solid, beneficial sermon.
Given that this sermon is from September, 2002, Ogwyn shows good insight that the US and Britain are preparing for a war that will distance them from Europe. This leads into a discussion of the return of Christ, where the equivalent terms “loud shout”, “great rejoicing”, and “blowing of the trumpet” are used to glorify God as creator and as judge of the nations. If you trust God, you will obey Him. The Feast of Trumpets is a memorial of God stepping into history and into the future. Ogwyn also gives an extensive, interesting discussion of end-time prophecy.
Given on the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Given on the Second Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.
Ogwyn "rolls his eyes" at the things we complain about today in comparison to the difficulties of the early American pioneers. "Shouldn't the people who have the most be the most thankful?" What Paul said about end-time attitudes and how do they fit in with today's society. Owgyn shows an equivalence between praise and thanks. Being thankful is an antidote to pride, the fountainhead of all sin. It is also an antidote to to self-centeredness, forgetfulness and worry. Note: Ogwyn talks of how he would rather preach the harsh truths to this country and take the consequences rather than compromise to external opposition to these truths. On the surface, this would seem to be contrary to Rod Meredith's position stated at the 5 minute mark of his 2009 sermon What is Your Breaking Point?
Ogwyn teaches about the ancient mystery religion, including groves, trees, the trinity, mass and sacraments. He discusses Cain’s vs Abel’s sacrifices and how a sin offering must be an animal. He ties the mystery religion to Cain to Babylon to Revelation to Saturnalia to Christmas. He contrasts these pagan mysteries with God’s mystery and shows how Satan is a counterfeiter. God’s mystery reveals Man’s ultimate purpose and Ogwyn examines components of that great purpose.