COG Sermons
John Ogwyn Sermons 2005
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Setting the Stage       2005
Could Jesus return at any time? No. Ogwyn explains what has to happen first. The Middle East is a focal point in Bible prophecy. What is it that we need to be deeply conscious of in our lives as these prophecies unfold? The sermon really has two parts: Prophecy and what we need to do to be prepared for that prophecy. Subjects: the rapture, the apostasy, the Beast, the 10 kings, the False Prophet, 2nd Thessalonians in detail, the trigger point to watch for. When these things happen, they will make our head swim. God will give us the chance to show where our affection really is.
Endure to the End       January 22, 2005
This is a different sermon from the 2004 message of the same name.
Some problems are short and intense; others long and less intense, but both must be endured. How? Lessons from Hebrews 11 & 12. Spiritual perspective. Ogwyn weaves together prophecy and the need to endure until the end, as well as personal trials. Focus on the ultimate end. Prophecy is often a motivation to endure. Ogwyn shows how events preliminary to end-time have already occurred. Also, how to be chosen.
A Time of Prelude       January 29, 2005
It is important to not only watch, but to know what to do when you see it. Three prophecy-related events occurred in late 2004, Arafat's death, Ukraine's election and the Asian tsunami. Ogwyn weaves these events into end-time prophecies. The significance of Jerusalem today. Daniel 2 prophecy. The long history of the European east-west split, its end-time re-unification, and future Babylon the Great. Man's resistance to God and natural disasters. How are we to react when these events occur? What do we need to do to prepare?
Faith and Overcoming       February 5, 2005
How do you obey the law of God without becoming a legalist? Ogwyn looks at the history and practices of the Pharisees and how to exceed their righteousness. What is God after? What is man's destiny? Sins derive from self-indulgence, self-pride, and self-protection. The key word is self, and Jesus said we must deny the self. What did Paul mean by "the letter kills"? The Ten Commandments were established long before Mount Sinai. The love of God is keeping the commandments as Jesus kept them, not as the Pharisees did.
How to Endure       February 19, 2005
Penance vs Repentance       February 26, 2005
Mardi Gras, Easter, Passover, and sin. Ogwyn opens up by teaching the history of Easter and lent. The Bible shows how these practices are contrary to God's instructions for worship and yet the Israelites and many professing Christians today engage in these practices. Ogwyn shows Bible verses that describe these rituals quite accurately, both as practiced in ancient times and today. In the latter half of the sermon, Ogwyn discusses many Christian-living scriptures, as well as Passover.
Our Response to Redemption       March 5, 2005
Announcements and Trip to Europe       April 16, 2005
Ogwyn recently returned from Europe and relates interesting stories about Berlin, the British Museum, a drawing from Biblical times of a Biblical character. Rome and visiting St. Peters Square just after the pope died. St Petersberg and Sabbath-keeping in Moscow. Interesting perspectives. Also, a few general announcements.
Do You Know God?       April 16, 2005
A pre-passover sermon. Sure, we know about God, but do we know God? How God revealed Himself to Israel. How Jesus revealed the Father. God takes the initiative, but we must respond. If we really believe, it will compel us to act. How the Christian is reconciled by Christ's death and saved by His life. How knowing God (or not) relates to the spirit of antichrist. Don't be fooled by those who say we don't have to act righteously because Jesus did it for us. "That I may know Him … I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.... I press toward the mark..."
Ogwyn also spoke in the morning on the same subject ("Do We Really Know Our God?"), but it is different enough to be worth listening to, however apologies are in order for it prematurely ending at the 45 minute mark.
Freedom Over Bondage - FDUB       April 24, 2005
Our Journey to Pentecost       May 7, 2005
In what might have been John Ogwyn's final sermon, Ogwyn focuses on the journey between the Red Sea and the Mountain of God. There are things to learn from each of those stops with a lot of references to the New Testament. The Israelite response to problems, which differed from Moses'. The bitter water, the manna, the quails. Discusses "between the evenings" and "at even". Good discussion on the true manna; bread from heaven. Lack of water, striking the rock. Who was the source of water? Confrontation with Amalek. Why did God make the journey so difficult? What lessons can we learn from their wanderings?
Pentecost 2005       June 12, 2005
Ogwyn opens up with timing relating to the wave-sheaf offering, when to start the count to Pentecost, the establishment of the Sabbath, and the beginning of the manna. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament was not readily available, but was poured out at times. The bulk of the sermon is centered around Acts 2, with Ogwyn adding excellent insight and giving good understanding, including fascinating fulfillments of some of Joel's prophecy. Also, the agricultural former rain and the latter rain are paralleled with the water of the holy spirit as the former rain in Acts 2 and the latter rain at the end time. Ogwyn closes by encouraging unity, love, a zeal, as was evident among the early believers. (message was pre-recorded for playback on Pentecost.)
Could Jesus return at any time? No. Ogwyn explains what has to happen first. The Middle East is a focal point in Bible prophecy. What is it that we need to be deeply conscious of in our lives as these prophecies unfold? The sermon really has two parts: Prophecy and what we need to do to be prepared for that prophecy. Subjects: the rapture, the apostasy, the Beast, the 10 kings, the False Prophet, 2nd Thessalonians in detail, the trigger point to watch for. When these things happen, they will make our head swim. God will give us the chance to show where our affection really is.
This is a different sermon from the 2004 message of the same name.
Some problems are short and intense; others long and less intense, but both must be endured. How? Lessons from Hebrews 11 & 12. Spiritual perspective. Ogwyn weaves together prophecy and the need to endure until the end, as well as personal trials. Focus on the ultimate end. Prophecy is often a motivation to endure. Ogwyn shows how events preliminary to end-time have already occurred. Also, how to be chosen.
It is important to not only watch, but to know what to do when you see it. Three prophecy-related events occurred in late 2004, Arafat's death, Ukraine's election and the Asian tsunami. Ogwyn weaves these events into end-time prophecies. The significance of Jerusalem today. Daniel 2 prophecy. The long history of the European east-west split, its end-time re-unification, and future Babylon the Great. Man's resistance to God and natural disasters. How are we to react when these events occur? What do we need to do to prepare?
How do you obey the law of God without becoming a legalist? Ogwyn looks at the history and practices of the Pharisees and how to exceed their righteousness. What is God after? What is man's destiny? Sins derive from self-indulgence, self-pride, and self-protection. The key word is self, and Jesus said we must deny the self. What did Paul mean by "the letter kills"? The Ten Commandments were established long before Mount Sinai. The love of God is keeping the commandments as Jesus kept them, not as the Pharisees did.
Mardi Gras, Easter, Passover, and sin. Ogwyn opens up by teaching the history of Easter and lent. The Bible shows how these practices are contrary to God's instructions for worship and yet the Israelites and many professing Christians today engage in these practices. Ogwyn shows Bible verses that describe these rituals quite accurately, both as practiced in ancient times and today. In the latter half of the sermon, Ogwyn discusses many Christian-living scriptures, as well as Passover.
Ogwyn recently returned from Europe and relates interesting stories about Berlin, the British Museum, a drawing from Biblical times of a Biblical character. Rome and visiting St. Peters Square just after the pope died. St Petersberg and Sabbath-keeping in Moscow. Interesting perspectives. Also, a few general announcements.
A pre-passover sermon. Sure, we know about God, but do we know God? How God revealed Himself to Israel. How Jesus revealed the Father. God takes the initiative, but we must respond. If we really believe, it will compel us to act. How the Christian is reconciled by Christ's death and saved by His life. How knowing God (or not) relates to the spirit of antichrist. Don't be fooled by those who say we don't have to act righteously because Jesus did it for us. "That I may know Him … I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.... I press toward the mark..."
Ogwyn also spoke in the morning on the same subject ("Do We Really Know Our God?"), but it is different enough to be worth listening to, however apologies are in order for it prematurely ending at the 45 minute mark.
In what might have been John Ogwyn's final sermon, Ogwyn focuses on the journey between the Red Sea and the Mountain of God. There are things to learn from each of those stops with a lot of references to the New Testament. The Israelite response to problems, which differed from Moses'. The bitter water, the manna, the quails. Discusses "between the evenings" and "at even". Good discussion on the true manna; bread from heaven. Lack of water, striking the rock. Who was the source of water? Confrontation with Amalek. Why did God make the journey so difficult? What lessons can we learn from their wanderings?
Ogwyn opens up with timing relating to the wave-sheaf offering, when to start the count to Pentecost, the establishment of the Sabbath, and the beginning of the manna. The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament was not readily available, but was poured out at times. The bulk of the sermon is centered around Acts 2, with Ogwyn adding excellent insight and giving good understanding, including fascinating fulfillments of some of Joel's prophecy. Also, the agricultural former rain and the latter rain are paralleled with the water of the holy spirit as the former rain in Acts 2 and the latter rain at the end time. Ogwyn closes by encouraging unity, love, a zeal, as was evident among the early believers. (message was pre-recorded for playback on Pentecost.)