COG Sermons
John Ogwyn Sermons Unknown Year #3
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Title / Summary
The Day of Atonement
The Events to Come
The Hope of The Gospel
The Mystery of God
The Postponements
The Sacrifice of Our Passover
An in-depth discussion of: The Acts 15 controversy, removal of sins, the purpose of sacrifices (Old Testament and New), being justified before God is only possible with Jesus Christ, the Red Heifer, water of purification, cleansing from dead works. Also, covenants, belief leading to righteousness, inheritors of the last will and testimony of Jesus Christ, the shedding of blood. The law of Moses and all the Old Testament offerings and sacrifices could not take care of the problem of sin. How bad must sin be that the Creator gave up His life to save us from it? "Grace is free, but it didn't come cheap."
The Vision at the Source of Our Hope & Faith
Three Warnings for the Church
Utilizing The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Pre-Pentecost sermon. Ogwyn shows some amazing parallels between marriage and the Holy Days. He discusses the analogy of clean and soiled garments and how we must change and how to get our garments clean. The role of the Holy Spirit in cleaning us up and giving us our greatest need. The real motivation for obedience. A merciful God longs to pluck people out of the fire, but they refuse. Ogwyn addresses these subjects: “grieving the spirit” “the spirit in man” “the carnal mind” “resisting the spirit” “transformed by the spirit”.
What Defines You
When is a Blessing Not a Blessing
You Can't Separate Love From the Law
An in-depth discussion of: The Acts 15 controversy, removal of sins, the purpose of sacrifices (Old Testament and New), being justified before God is only possible with Jesus Christ, the Red Heifer, water of purification, cleansing from dead works. Also, covenants, belief leading to righteousness, inheritors of the last will and testimony of Jesus Christ, the shedding of blood. The law of Moses and all the Old Testament offerings and sacrifices could not take care of the problem of sin. How bad must sin be that the Creator gave up His life to save us from it? "Grace is free, but it didn't come cheap."
Pre-Pentecost sermon. Ogwyn shows some amazing parallels between marriage and the Holy Days. He discusses the analogy of clean and soiled garments and how we must change and how to get our garments clean. The role of the Holy Spirit in cleaning us up and giving us our greatest need. The real motivation for obedience. A merciful God longs to pluck people out of the fire, but they refuse. Ogwyn addresses these subjects: “grieving the spirit” “the spirit in man” “the carnal mind” “resisting the spirit” “transformed by the spirit”.