COG Sermons
John Ogwyn Sermons 2000
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Time       Jan 1, 2000
There Will Be a Place of Safety       Jan 15, 2000 (this is possibly from Apr 12, 1980)
Ogwyn addresses protection during the end-time tribulation. Is that time now? "This generation will not pass" is explained. As to the place of safety, even if one disagrees with the traditional Church of God view on Revelation 12, Ogwyn gives convincing evidence for God protecting His people during the tribulation, citing the historical Biblical examples of Him having done so and tying it to end-time prophecy. Also addressed: Luke 17's "as in the days of Noah". Ogwyn refutes Matthew 24:31 "gather from the 4 corners" as an argument against a specific place of safety, even while neglecting the biggest argument against the place of safety, that the church gave birth to the man-child (Rev 12:13). Regardless, Ogwyn proceeds and explains just where this place of safety might be.
Prophecy       Feb 5, 2000
Revelation       Feb 5, 2000
Why Brethren Don't Endure       February 19, 2000
Wisdom       Mar 4, 2000
Ogwyn contrasts foolishness and wisdom, and provides overwhelming evidence of the Bible as the source of wisdom. How do we tap that source, that guide to life? How do we avoid "wisdom from below" and engage the "wisdom from above"? Also, the ways of God are foolishness to the world.
Avoid Leaven - Eat Unleavened       Mar 17, 2000
Romans 8:21       Mar 18, 2000
A pre-Passover sermon on being delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8:21). Ogwyn examines this scripture and the terms therein. Deliverance requires a deliverer. What holds men in bondage? God delivered Israel for a purpose. What is that purpose? What is true liberty? Passover spares us from death, but what will we do with that life? How should we who are dead to sin live therein any longer? What partaking of the divine nature really is.
LDUB Lessons From Book of Joshua       April 26, 2000
Commitment       May 6, 2000
Finish God's Work       May 27, 2000
In a Pentecost sermon, Ogwyn talks about the work of God, our role in it, and how all of us are to go forth, empowered by the gift of the Holy Spirit. The message was to be one of witness to all nations and warning to the house of Israel. What did Paul preach? Ezekiel? Who did Jesus empower and commission? What are we to do? Contains an excellent point on the workers in the vineyard.
Do the Will of God Part 2       June 3, 2000
Jerusalam in Prophecy       Jun 22, 2000
"The Events that are going to unfold are going to catch the world by shock and by surprise." Ogwyn gives a powerful sermon on Biblical prophecy, using Luke 21 as a guide. Insight on Ezekiel prophecies. Ninth of Av destructions. Daniel and the fall of Babylon. Ogwyn ties Daniel 8 to Luke 21. "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies" - this has happened many times before. What makes the end time unique in this regard? Ogwyn also addresses the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days.
The End Time       Jun 22, 2000
Ogwyn gives the above sermon twice on this Sabbath.
What Do You Love the Most       June 29, 2000
God's Righteousness - Are You Good Enough Yet?       July 15, 2000
How good do we have to get? What righteousness is God seeking? Spiritual pride, spiritual hopelessness, and what Paul taught. How was righteousness imputed to Abraham? "If you really believe something, you will act on it." Ogwyn discusses Abram / Abraham in detail, even addressing the faith of Sarah. "Faith means looking beyond physical circumstances and seeing God." Real righteousness comes by faith and trust in God.
Christ Revealed Christ's Ministry       Sep 6, 2000
Ogwyn discusses what each of the festival seasons reveal about Jesus Christ. He shows how John's gospel is much later than the other gospels. If anything had been "done away", it would have been done by now. Yet, virtually the entire book of John is based on the Biblical Feast Days and Jesus' actions and teachings on 7 of those days. The first holy day season shows Christ as redeemer and deliverer. The second holy day season (Pentecost) represents what Jesus is doing in our lives today as our intercessory High Priest. The third holy day season is about what Christ will do in the future -- return and rule.
Feast of Trumpets       September 30, 2000 (morning)
He That Shall Come Will Come       September 30, 2000 (afternoon
Fasting       October 9, 2000 (morning)
The Day of Atonement       Oct 9, 2000 (afternoon)
Ogwyn describes the upcoming tribulation to come upon the Israelite nations, their captivity and the trumpet of liberty that will free them on the Day of Atonement. He paints a picture of the opening night of the Feast of Tabernacles service that will inaugurate the millennium. Also addresses the binding of Satan, including the traditional view of the Azazel goat of Leviticus 16. Satan is pride, thus the need for us to humble ourselves through fasting on Atonement. Three aspects of Atonement: Humbling selves; Binding of Satan; Proclamation of liberty.
World At Rest       Oct 16, 2000
What kind of faith is needed to enter into God's rest? Fear and unbelief is not the way: Revelation 21:8, Israelites and the bad report, Jeroboam, King Saul. The fearful and the unbelieving will not enter into God's rest. On the other hand, when David was afraid, he trusted God. Hebrews 11 example of the faithful. Faith and obedience go together. But obedience can be twisted into self-righteousness. The story of Jacob's early life and how he eventually buried his wrong past.
Called, Chosen and Faithful       Oct 16, 2000
A Feast of Tabernacles sermon. Ogwyn shows us where we are in Bible prophecy and focuses our attention on what it is we need to be aware of as we see these prophecies being fulfilled. Discussed: the rapture, the apostasy, the man of sin. What sign can we specifically look for? Ogwyn continues and discusses being faithful and its vital importance. God will give us the chance to show where our affections really are. Dangers of a know-it-all attitude. How do we respond to fear? With faith? Very inspiring sermon.
Opening of the Seals       Oct 18, 2000
A Feast of Tabernacles sermon.
Enter God's Glorious Rest       October 20, 2000
A Feast of Tabernacles sermon.
Last Great Day AM       October 21, 2000
7 Trumpet Plagues - Day of the Lord       Oct 21, 2000
Ogwyn opens with a discussion on the destiny of man. He the proceeds to go through the Book of Revelation in a dramatic fashion, outlining the 7 trumpet plagues and the resurrection of the saints. Given on the 8th Day.
Unity in the Church       Oct 28, 2000
A Work to Do and a Team to Do It       November 4, 2000
Contrasting God's Government With Man's Government       Nov 25, 2000
God’s government is God-chosen, man’s is man-chosen. Given in the aftermath of the contentious 2000 U.S. presidential election, Ogwyn talks of a governmental transition that will take over the whole earth for 1000 years and beyond. He gives 3 fundamental principles of God's government that differ from man's government. "God's law is not based on the supremacy of one man." Jesus' model for leadership is as a lowly servant. Leaders are to be shepherds – applies to all leadership positions, including family, church, workplace, government. Ogwyn contrasts the traits of good shepherds vs bad shepherds. Ogwyn does not directly address the concept of hierarchical church government. Contains an interesting segment on the timing of Deuteronomy. Also, how we can prepare for our role in the coming kingdom of God.
Heroes of Faith       Dec 2, 2000
God of Covenant & Mercy       Dec 23, 2000
Ogwyn addresses protection during the end-time tribulation. Is that time now? "This generation will not pass" is explained. As to the place of safety, even if one disagrees with the traditional Church of God view on Revelation 12, Ogwyn gives convincing evidence for God protecting His people during the tribulation, citing the historical Biblical examples of Him having done so and tying it to end-time prophecy. Also addressed: Luke 17's "as in the days of Noah". Ogwyn refutes Matthew 24:31 "gather from the 4 corners" as an argument against a specific place of safety, even while neglecting the biggest argument against the place of safety, that the church gave birth to the man-child (Rev 12:13). Regardless, Ogwyn proceeds and explains just where this place of safety might be.
Ogwyn contrasts foolishness and wisdom, and provides overwhelming evidence of the Bible as the source of wisdom. How do we tap that source, that guide to life? How do we avoid "wisdom from below" and engage the "wisdom from above"? Also, the ways of God are foolishness to the world.
A pre-Passover sermon on being delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Romans 8:21). Ogwyn examines this scripture and the terms therein. Deliverance requires a deliverer. What holds men in bondage? God delivered Israel for a purpose. What is that purpose? What is true liberty? Passover spares us from death, but what will we do with that life? How should we who are dead to sin live therein any longer? What partaking of the divine nature really is.
In a Pentecost sermon, Ogwyn talks about the work of God, our role in it, and how all of us are to go forth, empowered by the gift of the Holy Spirit. The message was to be one of witness to all nations and warning to the house of Israel. What did Paul preach? Ezekiel? Who did Jesus empower and commission? What are we to do? Contains an excellent point on the workers in the vineyard.
"The Events that are going to unfold are going to catch the world by shock and by surprise." Ogwyn gives a powerful sermon on Biblical prophecy, using Luke 21 as a guide. Insight on Ezekiel prophecies. Ninth of Av destructions. Daniel and the fall of Babylon. Ogwyn ties Daniel 8 to Luke 21. "When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies" - this has happened many times before. What makes the end time unique in this regard? Ogwyn also addresses the 1260, 1290, and 1335 days.
Ogwyn gives the above sermon twice on this Sabbath.
How good do we have to get? What righteousness is God seeking? Spiritual pride, spiritual hopelessness, and what Paul taught. How was righteousness imputed to Abraham? "If you really believe something, you will act on it." Ogwyn discusses Abram / Abraham in detail, even addressing the faith of Sarah. "Faith means looking beyond physical circumstances and seeing God." Real righteousness comes by faith and trust in God.
Ogwyn discusses what each of the festival seasons reveal about Jesus Christ. He shows how John's gospel is much later than the other gospels. If anything had been "done away", it would have been done by now. Yet, virtually the entire book of John is based on the Biblical Feast Days and Jesus' actions and teachings on 7 of those days. The first holy day season shows Christ as redeemer and deliverer. The second holy day season (Pentecost) represents what Jesus is doing in our lives today as our intercessory High Priest. The third holy day season is about what Christ will do in the future -- return and rule.
Ogwyn describes the upcoming tribulation to come upon the Israelite nations, their captivity and the trumpet of liberty that will free them on the Day of Atonement. He paints a picture of the opening night of the Feast of Tabernacles service that will inaugurate the millennium. Also addresses the binding of Satan, including the traditional view of the Azazel goat of Leviticus 16. Satan is pride, thus the need for us to humble ourselves through fasting on Atonement. Three aspects of Atonement: Humbling selves; Binding of Satan; Proclamation of liberty.
What kind of faith is needed to enter into God's rest? Fear and unbelief is not the way: Revelation 21:8, Israelites and the bad report, Jeroboam, King Saul. The fearful and the unbelieving will not enter into God's rest. On the other hand, when David was afraid, he trusted God. Hebrews 11 example of the faithful. Faith and obedience go together. But obedience can be twisted into self-righteousness. The story of Jacob's early life and how he eventually buried his wrong past.
A Feast of Tabernacles sermon. Ogwyn shows us where we are in Bible prophecy and focuses our attention on what it is we need to be aware of as we see these prophecies being fulfilled. Discussed: the rapture, the apostasy, the man of sin. What sign can we specifically look for? Ogwyn continues and discusses being faithful and its vital importance. God will give us the chance to show where our affections really are. Dangers of a know-it-all attitude. How do we respond to fear? With faith? Very inspiring sermon.
A Feast of Tabernacles sermon.
A Feast of Tabernacles sermon.
Ogwyn opens with a discussion on the destiny of man. He the proceeds to go through the Book of Revelation in a dramatic fashion, outlining the 7 trumpet plagues and the resurrection of the saints. Given on the 8th Day.
God’s government is God-chosen, man’s is man-chosen. Given in the aftermath of the contentious 2000 U.S. presidential election, Ogwyn talks of a governmental transition that will take over the whole earth for 1000 years and beyond. He gives 3 fundamental principles of God's government that differ from man's government. "God's law is not based on the supremacy of one man." Jesus' model for leadership is as a lowly servant. Leaders are to be shepherds – applies to all leadership positions, including family, church, workplace, government. Ogwyn contrasts the traits of good shepherds vs bad shepherds. Ogwyn does not directly address the concept of hierarchical church government. Contains an interesting segment on the timing of Deuteronomy. Also, how we can prepare for our role in the coming kingdom of God.