COG Sermons
John Ogwyn Sermons 2001
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Book of Joshua & Judges       2001
Your Redemption Draws Near       January 6, 2001
Ogwyn starts with a news report of the improving relationship between Germany and Russia and uses that as a springboard into Biblical prophecy concerning Europe, the Beast power, the United States, and reuniting of Judah & Israel in the coming Kingdom of God. He then talks of the foundation of that kingdom, that new society – God’s laws and commandments, written on the hearts of the people. In light of the new presidential administration, Ogwyn asks “To what extent are you and I preparing in our lives right now for the greatest transition in government that will ever occur?”
Remember       January 20, 2001
What is the Faith Once Delivered?       February 3, 2001
The Faith Once Delivered       February 3, 2001
Seven Signs       February 10, 2001
Walk With God       February 27, 2001
What Condition Is Your Heart In?       March 3, 2001
A good, self-examination, pre-Passover sermon. How does God see our heart? We can deceive ourselves; our deceitful heart stands in the way of repentance and change. Do you trust in your own heart and impulses? Or in God? Excuses; blaming others. Numerous Biblical examples of hard hearts and repentant hearts. The proud heart as an obstacle to learning and growing. A hard heart. A prepared heart. A Tender heart. Pure in heart. A defiled heart. The law in one’s heart. King Saul’s heart. King David’s heart. The New Covenant replaces the stony heart with one of flesh. Characteristics of this new heart. A believing, trusting heart leads to obedience.
Redemption & Deliverance - Part 1       March 20, 2001
Pre-Passover       March 31, 2001
Redemption & Deliverance - Part 2       April 3, 2001
The Night To Be Much Observed       April 7, 2001
Day of Liberty       April 8, 2001
Given on the 1st day of Unleavened Bread. A discussion of the timing of the wave sheaf offering. Our response to God’s grace should be, like Paul’s was, to labor. The “harvest” starts during the Days of Unleavened Bread. Ogwyn discusses events surrounding the burial of Jesus through the resurrection. Tyrants always promise liberty but deliver bondage. Freedom from the law? Ogwyn gives an excellent narrative on the resurrection. Israel was led out of bondage by following God one step at a time. The same goes for us. What it means to abide in Christ. Israel needed a savior; they couldn’t save themselves. Same for us.
Perilous Times       April 12, 2001
Very poor audio quality makes this in-depth sermon on prophecy difficult to listen to. If you endure to the end, you will hear Ogwyn talk about how the penalties that come upon a nation are a result of its sins. He goes through the Leviticus 26 curses and notes how many of these are beginning to happen to the United States. There is a lack of attention to the law of God. All areas of a society are affected. The root is the lack of knowledge of the law of God. This is not an upbeat sermon and Ogwyns speaks of a great calamity ahead , but if you endure the bad audio to the end, you will hear the great hope that is in front of us all.
Last Day of Unleavened Bread       April 14, 2001
Passover is about redemption. DUB is about deliverance, if we will follow Jesus Christ. Ogwyn gives a lengthy discussion of sunset, evening, "between the evenings", and Passover timing. Included are the midnight deaths of the firstborn, Pharaoh sending for Moses & Aaron, spoiling the Egyptians, departing from Egypt, 430 years, and the wave-sheaf timing upon entering the land. Also, narratives and timing of Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, wave-sheaf, count to Pentecost. Why DUB has two holy days, and the ultimate symbolism of the Days of Unleavened Bread. Given on the last Day of Unleavened Bread.
A Virtuous Woman       May 12, 2001
Given prior to Mother’s Day. Value is attached to virtue, not money. Ogwyn goes over various virtues of Godly women and applies those traits to all of us. Responsiveness to God. A woman’s role in subjection to her husband. The role of older women. Attributes of purity, modesty, holiness, discretion. These apply to all of us, man or woman. A very encouraging sermon, inspiring to Godly behavior.
Pentecost Relationship With God       May 27, 2001
Firstborn Dedicated to God       June 2, 2001
Ogwyn studies the Levitical laws pertaining to the first and the best being dedicated to God, along with holiness and sanctity. Christians as redeemed first fruits. Affections lead to thoughts lead to actions lead to habits lead to character lead to life. How to control this process.
The Marriage Supper       June 9, 2001
A Healthy Family       June 16, 2001
The human family is a type of the divine family. Ogwyn outlines 4 components to the happy family. The doctrine of "man becoming God" or "God is reproducing Himself" is not discussed. While not an outstanding sermon (by Ogwyn standards), it still has points one can take to heart.
A Spiritually Balanced Person       July 7, 2001
Events we can’t control happen to all of us. Ogwyn looks at two Biblical examples of how to handle those stresses and how not to, and the principles we should be grounded in to keep the wheels from flying off. Faith leads to obedience, fear to cowardice to compromise to disobedience. Also addressed is the difference between faith and hope.
Lessons From Daniel       July 21, 2001
In his usual interesting style, Ogwyn discusses the character lessons we can learn from the first 6 chapters of the book of Daniel.
Faith       August 4, 2001
Ogwyn uses the current (2001) events in Iraq, Jordan, and the Temple Mount to launch into an in-depth exploration of faith. He addresses belief, confidence, and prophecy. Faith transforms us. Faith results in action. Obedience flows from real faith. How we can follow the examples of Hebrews 11. How we can move forward confidently.
Blessed and Happy       August 18, 2001
How to be happy. Was Solomon happy? No, and why not? What doesn't work. How trusting God can increase the blessing of happiness, with illustrative parables. The beauty of a changed life via forgiveness. The value of giving and serving in leading to happiness and success. Blessed and happy is the one whom God chastens and teaches, because God wants that person in His family. What is the whole counsel of God? We can know what God thinks by seeing what He did and listening to the testimonies thereof. Includes an explanation of the Torah. "Blessed and happy is he that keeps the law."
All Nations Against Jerusalem       September 1, 2001
The desire to destroy Israel is predicted in Psalm 83. At a time when Jerusalem was nothing, Zechariah prophesied it as a major end-time player. Ogwyn talks of Israel’s return from exile and how there has always been extensive opposition to the work of God. The people did delay their work until God stirred them up. The glory of God was in the tabernacle of Moses’ day and in the first temple, but was not in the second temple, yet Haggai prophesied a greater glory for the second temple than the first. Lessons: No matter how insignificant you might think your contribution might be, do it anyway, keeping focused on the vision of the big picture. An example is King David, who, while not permitted to to build the temple, looked to help however he could.
Vision, Faith, and Courage       September 1, 2001
A variation of the above sermon. A pre-Trumpets sermon. Ogwyn parallels our work today with that of the Jews returning from Babylonian exile. There can be apathy, grumbling, disappointment, yet God promised greater glory for the 2nd temple than for the first. It takes faith and vision to see the big picture, to know that God is involved and will be involved, and how we can get motivated to join in doing God’s work.
The Beginning of Sorrows       September 15, 2001
Right after the 9-11 attacks, Ogwyn talks extensively about the event and relates it to Biblical prophecy. He notes that in a time of crisis, people turn to God, but only too briefly. Even in times of miracles, people turn to God. The United States has been greatly blessed, protected with a "hedge" around it. Is this time coming to an end? Or do we think we're invincible? Israel didn't listen to Jeremiah. "The beginning of sorrows" has never come home so much as in the last few days.
The Way of Give       September 18, 2001
Ogwyn contrasts the story of Micah and the hired priest with Ezekiel to illustrate the way of get vs the way of give. This “way” applies to marriage, jobs, businesses, and indeed, all aspects of our lives. Contrary to our carnal nature, it takes faith to give, especially since the world is based on greed. Additional examples are given concerning Jacob and Joseph. Ogwyn explains how we can give no matter our circumstance and how Jesus is the perfect example.
Lust of the Flesh, Eyes, & Pride of Life       September 27, 2001
In a Day of Atonement sermon, Ogwyn talks about Satan's tactics and how to fight them. The consequences of sin. The role of Christ in the fate of Satan. Detailed look at the events in the Garden of Eden. Satan being released after the 1000 years. It's not enough just to accept what God says, you have to reject what Satan says. How Atonement signifies the binding of Satan. Atonement is the day that makes all that comes after possible.
Feast of Tabernacles - 2001       October, 2001
An end-time prophecy sermon. Three very powerful charismatic individuals will arrive and are described in the Bible. A look at the current reality in Arab leadership and speculation about the “King of the South”. Given in the aftermath of 9-11, defining events can come quickly and dramatically, as we have just seen. Are we always ready?
Moses and the First Feast of Tabernacles       October 2, 2001
Maintain Our Focus       October 13, 2001
A post-feast sermon.
Book of Romans       October 27, 2001
Temperance       November 3, 2001
Doing The Work       November 10, 2001
The Big Picture       November 17, 2001
Recorded in-studio on Nov 11.
Blessings       November 24, 2001
Book of Hebrews       December 1, 2001
A Vital Key for Failure       December 15, 2001
Ogwyn starts with a news report of the improving relationship between Germany and Russia and uses that as a springboard into Biblical prophecy concerning Europe, the Beast power, the United States, and reuniting of Judah & Israel in the coming Kingdom of God. He then talks of the foundation of that kingdom, that new society – God’s laws and commandments, written on the hearts of the people. In light of the new presidential administration, Ogwyn asks “To what extent are you and I preparing in our lives right now for the greatest transition in government that will ever occur?”
A good, self-examination, pre-Passover sermon. How does God see our heart? We can deceive ourselves; our deceitful heart stands in the way of repentance and change. Do you trust in your own heart and impulses? Or in God? Excuses; blaming others. Numerous Biblical examples of hard hearts and repentant hearts. The proud heart as an obstacle to learning and growing. A hard heart. A prepared heart. A Tender heart. Pure in heart. A defiled heart. The law in one’s heart. King Saul’s heart. King David’s heart. The New Covenant replaces the stony heart with one of flesh. Characteristics of this new heart. A believing, trusting heart leads to obedience.
Given on the 1st day of Unleavened Bread. A discussion of the timing of the wave sheaf offering. Our response to God’s grace should be, like Paul’s was, to labor. The “harvest” starts during the Days of Unleavened Bread. Ogwyn discusses events surrounding the burial of Jesus through the resurrection. Tyrants always promise liberty but deliver bondage. Freedom from the law? Ogwyn gives an excellent narrative on the resurrection. Israel was led out of bondage by following God one step at a time. The same goes for us. What it means to abide in Christ. Israel needed a savior; they couldn’t save themselves. Same for us.
Very poor audio quality makes this in-depth sermon on prophecy difficult to listen to. If you endure to the end, you will hear Ogwyn talk about how the penalties that come upon a nation are a result of its sins. He goes through the Leviticus 26 curses and notes how many of these are beginning to happen to the United States. There is a lack of attention to the law of God. All areas of a society are affected. The root is the lack of knowledge of the law of God. This is not an upbeat sermon and Ogwyns speaks of a great calamity ahead , but if you endure the bad audio to the end, you will hear the great hope that is in front of us all.
Passover is about redemption. DUB is about deliverance, if we will follow Jesus Christ. Ogwyn gives a lengthy discussion of sunset, evening, "between the evenings", and Passover timing. Included are the midnight deaths of the firstborn, Pharaoh sending for Moses & Aaron, spoiling the Egyptians, departing from Egypt, 430 years, and the wave-sheaf timing upon entering the land. Also, narratives and timing of Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection, wave-sheaf, count to Pentecost. Why DUB has two holy days, and the ultimate symbolism of the Days of Unleavened Bread. Given on the last Day of Unleavened Bread.
Given prior to Mother’s Day. Value is attached to virtue, not money. Ogwyn goes over various virtues of Godly women and applies those traits to all of us. Responsiveness to God. A woman’s role in subjection to her husband. The role of older women. Attributes of purity, modesty, holiness, discretion. These apply to all of us, man or woman. A very encouraging sermon, inspiring to Godly behavior.
Ogwyn studies the Levitical laws pertaining to the first and the best being dedicated to God, along with holiness and sanctity. Christians as redeemed first fruits. Affections lead to thoughts lead to actions lead to habits lead to character lead to life. How to control this process.
The human family is a type of the divine family. Ogwyn outlines 4 components to the happy family. The doctrine of "man becoming God" or "God is reproducing Himself" is not discussed. While not an outstanding sermon (by Ogwyn standards), it still has points one can take to heart.
Events we can’t control happen to all of us. Ogwyn looks at two Biblical examples of how to handle those stresses and how not to, and the principles we should be grounded in to keep the wheels from flying off. Faith leads to obedience, fear to cowardice to compromise to disobedience. Also addressed is the difference between faith and hope.
In his usual interesting style, Ogwyn discusses the character lessons we can learn from the first 6 chapters of the book of Daniel.
Ogwyn uses the current (2001) events in Iraq, Jordan, and the Temple Mount to launch into an in-depth exploration of faith. He addresses belief, confidence, and prophecy. Faith transforms us. Faith results in action. Obedience flows from real faith. How we can follow the examples of Hebrews 11. How we can move forward confidently.
How to be happy. Was Solomon happy? No, and why not? What doesn't work. How trusting God can increase the blessing of happiness, with illustrative parables. The beauty of a changed life via forgiveness. The value of giving and serving in leading to happiness and success. Blessed and happy is the one whom God chastens and teaches, because God wants that person in His family. What is the whole counsel of God? We can know what God thinks by seeing what He did and listening to the testimonies thereof. Includes an explanation of the Torah. "Blessed and happy is he that keeps the law."
The desire to destroy Israel is predicted in Psalm 83. At a time when Jerusalem was nothing, Zechariah prophesied it as a major end-time player. Ogwyn talks of Israel’s return from exile and how there has always been extensive opposition to the work of God. The people did delay their work until God stirred them up. The glory of God was in the tabernacle of Moses’ day and in the first temple, but was not in the second temple, yet Haggai prophesied a greater glory for the second temple than the first. Lessons: No matter how insignificant you might think your contribution might be, do it anyway, keeping focused on the vision of the big picture. An example is King David, who, while not permitted to to build the temple, looked to help however he could.
A variation of the above sermon. A pre-Trumpets sermon. Ogwyn parallels our work today with that of the Jews returning from Babylonian exile. There can be apathy, grumbling, disappointment, yet God promised greater glory for the 2nd temple than for the first. It takes faith and vision to see the big picture, to know that God is involved and will be involved, and how we can get motivated to join in doing God’s work.
Right after the 9-11 attacks, Ogwyn talks extensively about the event and relates it to Biblical prophecy. He notes that in a time of crisis, people turn to God, but only too briefly. Even in times of miracles, people turn to God. The United States has been greatly blessed, protected with a "hedge" around it. Is this time coming to an end? Or do we think we're invincible? Israel didn't listen to Jeremiah. "The beginning of sorrows" has never come home so much as in the last few days.
Ogwyn contrasts the story of Micah and the hired priest with Ezekiel to illustrate the way of get vs the way of give. This “way” applies to marriage, jobs, businesses, and indeed, all aspects of our lives. Contrary to our carnal nature, it takes faith to give, especially since the world is based on greed. Additional examples are given concerning Jacob and Joseph. Ogwyn explains how we can give no matter our circumstance and how Jesus is the perfect example.
In a Day of Atonement sermon, Ogwyn talks about Satan's tactics and how to fight them. The consequences of sin. The role of Christ in the fate of Satan. Detailed look at the events in the Garden of Eden. Satan being released after the 1000 years. It's not enough just to accept what God says, you have to reject what Satan says. How Atonement signifies the binding of Satan. Atonement is the day that makes all that comes after possible.
An end-time prophecy sermon. Three very powerful charismatic individuals will arrive and are described in the Bible. A look at the current reality in Arab leadership and speculation about the “King of the South”. Given in the aftermath of 9-11, defining events can come quickly and dramatically, as we have just seen. Are we always ready?
A post-feast sermon.
Recorded in-studio on Nov 11.